·~Not A Bad Beginning~·

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  It was a speacil day for Shayan Hearst a 24 year old who seemed oddly dressed with a mask that you see when someone is sick. Today was the he's put his paycheck in the bank. Shayan wasn't like any other guy in a bank.

   You see Shayan's family are rich and it's hard to stay undercover since his name is nearly heard at every place. It was very difficult for Shayan. He works at his father's company and he is quite the looker. His hair brown as chocolate and his eyes dark as wood. He was a truly handsome and successful man with his wealth trailing behind him.

   Shayan hadn't really had any interest in the woman his father would try to set him up with yet one had caught his eye. A girl pretty cute girl he has had the crush on since the day he met her.

   Her eyes made him fall for her in an instant which were green and shiny as emeralds. Her hair would flow down her shoulders till the day she cut it yet she still looked gorgeous . She has ginger hair it suits her best plus it makes her stand out in crowds. Her freckles looked like stars in the sky all scattered yet still bright. Her ginger locks, her green eyes, and her cute tiny freckles made this man feel alive.

  Also this man was up next in line to put his check in too. His mind was stuck in thought of this girl yet until some guy snapped the poor guy out of it.




  An old man in front of him woke  Shayan from his thoughts. Yet Shayan was confused forgetting where he is.


  The old man rolled his eyes and blanky said."sir... Would you like to deposit or withdraw" Shayan still confused just stared at the man.

  "Sir, you're holding the line up please tell me what you want to do or you will be escorted out the premises,"The man said unsatisfied.

  "Oh!," Shayan spoke outloud handing in his check. He smiled the man looked at him and the woman next to him whispered "he new? It looks like he ain't never done this before?".

  After awkward silence the man just continued his job.


  Three men came in bursting through the door yelling for money pulling out guns on them. Shayan was shocked on the ground holding oh his suit case. He was frightened as much as everyone else were.

  A man and his wife ducked down holding eachother close. A pregnant lady was frightened putting her hand on her belly. All he heard was yelling and frightened breathes. Two kids held dear to their mothers.

  One guy stated shooting and it shot one of the mother's leg. They were weeping yet shayan was watching frighted aswell yet not crying.

  The old man was running getting the money yet two of the guys got a hostage. It was one of the kids and the pregnant lady.

  He wasn't ready for what was going to happen next it was odd and unexpected. It would change his life forever. Yet he didn't know that it would.

  A lady comes through the door wearing a mask and having a backpack. The men look at her yelling her to get down or they will shoot. She look unbothers lifting uo her mask putting on lipstick yet still unable to see her face.

  Shayan was in shock.

  He asked himself was this chick crazy enough to stand infront of three guys with guns and just put on make up?!

  She put her make up away and started tying up her hair. Her hair was odd it was different than any hes seen before. It was a lavander color it looked silky enough that no tangles would be in it.

  Her mask was creepy enough too.

  It was white and had pink cheeks on it. Her clothes were just a coal black and her backoack was also the same color.

  "Get down on the ground! I'm not afraid to shoot!" the man said pointing the gun at her. The holesbin her mask showing her eyes went up a little showing as if she were smiling. Her eyes were a bright yellow just as a sunflower.

  She pulled out something out of her backpack. It was a baseball bat! What the heck was this lady planning to do?!

  The guy  held his gun up aiming at her smirking. Before he could even shoot she was gone. She was behind him holding the bat.

Before he could even react he was hit. The other two yelled at the lady to stay back or they would shoot. Shayan stared at the lady thinking she wouldn't hesitate yet she did.


  The lady was standing there looking at the men. She may have been thinking what to do . Either save the kid or save the pregnant lady. She was twiching shaking...

Shayan thought how could this lady with a mask be afraid to being one down she just knocked a man down.
Shayan saw the gun of the man that was on the floor and slid to grab it.

He shot the guy who was holding the kid hostage's knee. It caused the other guy to panic and let the lady go. Shayan was able to shoot since his dear friend taught him how just in case if he needed to protect himself.

  He gave the lady a chance and she took it. She wacked both in the head maybe killing one of them. The cops were near as Shayan heard the sirens.
Shayan turned to the lady and she was staring at him.

  Everyone in the bank was frightened afraid that she would do something too but she didn't. She walked up to shayan and pulled off his mask.

  "Its been a long time... Shayan hearst," she spoke loud enough for others to stare. She lifted her mask up to where her lips were and pecked shayan cheek.

  She dipped her finger in blood from one of their heads and put a smile on her mask

  "Thanks for the help, we'll see eachother very soon~," she said in a seductive tone walking out side as soon as she did cops came but she left before they even questioned her.

  Shayan was in shock while everyone stared at him in awe. "Is that the real shayan?!" crowds of people said. I shayans head he knew that this was going to be annoying.

  Yet now the only thing that was on his mind is that one lady. She was short yet tall enough. Shayan didn't catch a glimsp of her face though but her eyes stood out as if they were glowing.

  Soon after the cops came in and took the guys. Everyone was terrified cops asking them questions. Then they came onto shayan asking if he could come with them and thats what he did.

  What the hell is going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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