Chapter Four

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Enid had gone to her classes the next day, something just seemed off.

Ms Sunshine was announcing an upcoming dance at P.O.I.N.T Prep.

"Any questions?" Ms Sunshine asked.

Enid raised her hand.

"Enid." Ms Sunshine said.

"What if your date is from..Lakewood?" Enid asked.

A bunch of students turned to look at her.

Elodie shot Enid a questioning look.

Ms Sunshine looked like she'd received the most offensive question ever.

"We do not associate with Lakewood unless we are challenging them. We stick to ourselves & don't mess with our rivals unless we're desiring to beat them." Ms Sunshine said seriously.

Enid felt like she was about to question Ms Sunshine but she stayed quiet.

'I'll still invite Rad.' Enid thought to herself sort of bummed.

Elodie was sitting by Enid during all of this.

"You & Rad..?" Elodie whispered.

"Yeah." Enid whispered back.

Elodie wiggled her eyebrows.

'Why'd she act so chill sometimes & then all of a sudden like a jerk?' Enid wondered.

"Enid! Elodie! Quit interrupting." Ms Sunshine said shooting them a glare.

Elodie quickly apologized, Enid felt annoyed.

Everything she did was somehow wrong, but there was no being like a baby..Just like Ms Sunshine said, they cannot go easy on me just because i'm new here.

Enid attended a few classes after, most about training & challenging each other.
After Classes Are Over Early..

Enid walked into the dorm, Elodie followed behind her.

"Why didn't you tell me that you & Rad hit it off?" she asked digging through her pedicure supplies.

"I dunno. I guess I didn't wanna get in trouble for dating someone from Lakewood, I figured you might get me in trouble." Enid admitted.

Elodie looked surprised.

"Why do you think of me that way?"

"Because you've been acting so weird! One minute we're out here talking normally & the next you're acting all secretive." Enid said walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Elodie asked.

"Well if you don't mind-" Enid began rudely.

"I have a date with Rad." She finished as she left the room.

Elodie just stared after her. "It isn't my fault. I'm not trying to be this way..they're making me." Elodie whispered.

Enid walked through the halls uneasy.

She quickly made it to the doors & snuck out, Rad wasn't here yet so she sat on the curb waiting for him.


"Rad." Enid said relived as she got into the van.

She pecked a quick kiss on his cheek.

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