Chapter Eighteen

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"This sounds like a horrible plan. Utterly horrible."

Max wasn't all too ecstatic about the revelation that we were walking right back into danger.

I didn't really remember much of him from before being in the camp, but I did know, by his introduction, that he was 16 years old and had been appointed the position of vehicle manager at the camp. He said they'd put him there "because he looked like he'd be good with cars". In reality, it seemed more like they just wanted to keep him out of the way.

He also mentioned nearly completely screwing up his first mission by accidentally setting the car into reverse and nearly crashing while the rest of his team was getting the materials.

I was surprised they decided to put him on car duty.

But I couldn't be too rude to him about his situation. He'd been through most of the same things we had. I didn't specifically know his story, but judging by the fact that he was with us, I was guessing it wasn't exactly a fairy tale.

"Well, you got a better idea?" Kyan replied, already semi-irritated with him.

Max didn't answer, just crossed his arms stubbornly. "I don't know? Maybe not go running back into an Equator stronghold literally weeks after barely escaping?"

Kyan just shook his head.

Max had a point. We were probably totally screwed. But as Kyan said, there wasn't really another option.

I wasn't just going to abandon Asten.

"On a good note...if this succeeds, we'll get Asten back and still have tons of resources," January commented.

"And then what?" Max countered. He seemed exasperated.

"And then we figure out our next course of action," I chimed in. We really didn't have a solid plan, but I wasn't willing to think too far ahead and discourage myself. Which was exactly what Max was doing.

Max let out a low grumble, but didn't say anything else. I was starting to wish we'd picked up a different random kid in our dramatic escape.

I leaned forward in my seat, my elbows on my knees, looking at the map that was in the seat right next to Kyan. He was focused on the road ahead of him. It was mostly covered in sand and debris, but it wasn't difficult to drive on. The sun was beating down on the hood of the car, warming my face. This was much nicer than the six months I'd spent trudging through ice.

And maybe we'd be back there soon.

Judging by the map, the mansion that Asten was doing some reconnaissance at was at the very edge of the desert. Even though the snow would be hell once more, I definitely felt safer there than I did in the desert.

The desert was empty...cold...and easy to be seen in.

I'd take the forests I was used to any day.

"What's up?" Kyan asked, after a few more seconds of me staring intently at the map.

"Ah...nothing. I was just thinking about where we could go afterwards..."

"You mean the forest?" He glanced down at the map, his eyes tracing the route to the mansion.

I just nodded.

"That seems like a good enough plan...but..."

"But what?" I raised my eyebrows as Kyan lowered his voice.

"Max has a point. We can't just keep running forever." He seemed annoyed that he even had to admit that.

I just let out a sigh and didn't respond. I didn't want to think about this.

"Let's focus on getting to the city, right? And then we'll discuss it."

"Yeah..." He turned his gaze back on the road, but I knew neither of us were satisfied with that answer.


The city already seemed a lot different than it had when I'd gone last time. It had a more ominous feel to it.

Maybe it was just because I now knew who could appear in a seconds notice.

Our SUV was the only one on the road as we passed building upon dilapidated building, cracked windows glaring down at us from high above. I knew there were probably people, too, watching from those windows, wondering what kind of omen we'd bring.

"Do you know where to go?" I asked, hoping he remembered the way to that one shop that was possibly closed after the attack on it. It truly was our only hope. I wasn't sure where else we could find supplies.

"Yeah. I think I remember," he replied, not too confidently. I frowned. I just had to hope we wouldn't get shot down. "It should be right up here..."

He was right. As we rounded the corner, my eyes landed upon the bullet riddled glass of the supply shop. Only problem was that the lights were off...and it didn't really seem to be alive.

"This was a bad idea," muttered Max, adding his own spice of optimism to the situation.

"It'll be fine...maybe we should just check it out?" I wasn't positive, but it seemed to be our only option.

"I guess we could..."

January didn't input her opinion. She'd stayed relatively quiet. I looked her way, and she just seemed stoic.

Kyan parked the car at the side of the road and we hopped out. I took the lead, going straight up to the doors and pulling them open. I took a step inside, my boots crunching on the broken glass.

Then, I froze.

"Stop moving right there...or we'll shoot."

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