chapter two - sunlight

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The door to room eighty-four opened into the hallway to reveal a familiar face. Her eyes alight with new excitement and a smile sparking to life as she saw him standing outside.

"Lloyd. Hi," said Emma opening the door further to let him in. She moved into the apartment and left him to shut the door behind him. Inside was a space that fit his expectations in an odd type of accuracy.

Lloyd knew that Emma was crashing at Mei's lux apartment in Lincoln Park for the past couple of months, so naturally, it would be out of his league. Sleek furniture and an open plan design with fine touches only Mei would be able to do. It had a vibe to it.

"Anything to drink?"

"Water, please."

"On it," said Emma, "This usually happens the other way around." They smiled at that. It was true, he's always been their barista. They've never seen each other outside of Vivace before that day. He sat down on a stool opposite the countertop Emma stood behind.

"Why did you ask me too?"

"About the night out?"

"Yeah. You have Mei, and you don't really know me at all."

"Then I'll get to know you."

Lloyd smiled at her comforting manner.

"To getting to know each other," he raised his glass of water, hearing the ice cube tinkle. There was music in the background and Lloyd wondered if it was Mei's or Emma's playlist. He believed you could tell a lot from a person's taste in music.

"Honestly, I wasn't planning on having a night out at all." She leaned forward, resting on her arms. A crease sprang between her eyebrows and she looked directly into his eyes. "This whole thing is very spur-of-the-moment. I basically decided on it between nine and noon today."

"Around the time you were at Vivace."

"And before. Since I handed in my article up until the point of actually asking you guys. It was just the perfect time. I had thought about it enough for it to be an actual plan and too little to back out and you just happened to be nearby."

"A pleasant coincidence."

"I don't know if I believe in coincidences."

The air was unmoving for a second. They looked at each other for what seemed so long, with only soft music present. Lloyd felt the warmth of a sunray tingle his hand on the counter and he moved it into the shade.

"I am a queen." Mei sauntered into the open plan of the apartment. Her outfit was a perfect exhibit of modern trends and classic style. Maybe she actually was a queen in the world she lived in. It didn't stop Emma from playfully rolling her eyes, though.

"Why is that, your Highness?"

"I told you about that quaint theatre down in the Loop, right. Guess who just managed to score an entire booth of the gallery for tonight's show." Mei's one shoulder bopped up and down in self-contempt.

"I guess being a YouTube personality has its perks." Lloyd jabbed.

Mei shot him a look, but for once she let the comment on her job slide, because she was too impressed with herself to let it bother her. Emma's eyes practically glowed with anticipation.

"It's going to be such fun," said Emma.

"It is. Good job Mei, that place is Chicago. It's like this undiscovered gem the locals pride themselves on." said, Lloyd.

"You can't leave without going to a show. I recur, I am a queen."

Lloyd lifted the last of his water to his lips, felt the cold of the ice cubes' touch and watched them spiral down as he set his glass aside. He caught Mei's eyes as he looked sideways and the image of her in her complete element was so vivid to him, for some reason. It made a breathtaking memory, like admiring a painting. He followed her good news with even more of his own.

"Another item on the agenda is this cool lounge my friend owns. Very chill and it has all the culture you could hope to find here. It's always open, so we can go there after the show or whenever you'd like."

"Sounds amazing," Emma's smile was so genuine.

"So that and everything else we can manage to fit into our night is all well, but what I'm thinking for our first and second stops are a bar and a club," Mei announced as she grabbed her things and started towards the door with determination.

"Emma can find 'a bar and a club' anywhere." Lloyd challenged.

"Lloyd," Mei turned to him, "this has been a long week. I am close to not having any F's left to give." She intensely looked at him. "I need alcohol."

There was no argument. Emma laughed at Lloyd's lack of counter back as they made for the door. Mei swung it open with a flourish as if to say 'bring on the evening' and Lloyd smiled at how the image of three people about to go on an urban adventure must have looked like to the stranger walking up the hallway to their opening door.

"Todd," Emma said warmly.

"Emma?" His voice gravelled, "I'm sorry, I don't know you." Gesturing to Lloyd. Lloyd and Todd exchanged quick greetings.

"It's nice to see you out of your office," said Mei as she hugged him.

"I get out, Sis."

"Please," She scoffed, "But speaking of which, we're going out tonight. Want to join us?"

"I was just dropping this off," motioning to a laptop charger, "What's the plan?" He asked interestedly. Lloyd noticed the similarities between the siblings. He thought it was strange how people almost subconsciously looked for the quirks family shared, but couldn't help but compare them.

"Everything we can fit in," Mei said theatrically.

"Casual and fun. It's my last weekend in town," Emma added.

"Then I'm in."

And they were off.

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