Trying Is Hard

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-----------------------------------------------------------It is so hard to try
I am constantly doing it
And I always end up with a cry

I wish life was easy
I wish I had control of it
But my skin is greasy
And I can't seem to get a hold of it

I look at myself
Wanting to be greater
Nothing seems to change
So I fall in a crater

I look up and down
Looking for a way out
I get anxious
And I start to doubt

Falling in my knees
Seems to be the only solution
For everything around me
And my grand conclusion

So hard
But I get back up again
This time I go a little bit farther
But end up falling at the end

I should keep trying
Is the only thing I can do
I hope everything gets better
And goes with all the blue

Try: make an attempt or effort to do something.

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