Road trip (part 1)

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It was far too quiet. The world seemed silent though that wasn't the reality. The sound of children shouting, screaming and crying; the sound of adults yelling and arguing; the sound of sobbing...

David stood frozen, tears cascading down his face. A gang of angry parents squawking at him one barrier was a distressed Gwen trying to deter them away; The only other protection was the crying Children clinging to him with hugs begging their parents to save the camp.

None did...

No one even tried...

Slowly the children were hauled away one by one. Then Gwen left with a quiet apology. The day witch that had begun sunny as it always did, now wept softly.

The wind flew through him.

He didn't know what to do...

So he decided to leave

He whispered a sorry goodbye to all the memories and drove away.

"Goodbye camp..." the lump in his thought court his tears, "goodbye...c.. camp cam..."

He couldn't say it.

So he didn't and drove away.

He soon realized he didn't know where to go... he had nowhere to go...

He found a lonely layby and pulled in. he toggled the radio on but all it played was soothing white noise. He sat in silence for hours until he realized it was getting dark. He dragged himself to the back of the car opening it to search for blankets. It opened with a click and the sight left David speechless. There in the boot of his car curled up under a thin sheet was a small boy who though his face was unseeable was recognizable immediately from his blueberry hoodie.


"Fuck.. off" the boy muttered in his sleep rolling over with his teddy clutched closely under his hoodie. David sighed picking the boy up and resting him carefully on the backseat of the old country squire and returned to the front seat deciding he should actually find a place for them to stay tonight. He drove steeply to the nearest motel he could find. The neon sign flickering in the widow hurt his eyes as he used it to search for his wallet which he then realized he'd left at the camp with everything else. an annoyed sigh was heard as he kicked the side off the car before slumping down next to it head on his knees. He didn't want move... he couldn't move... his body ached with exhaustion...

"Oi! If you going to Sleep on my land you better pay!!!" an angry looking woman yelled waking David from his sleep.

"Oh, I'm sorry i..."

"Get the fuck out unless you want me to go get my dad!" David nodded and got back in the car driving away.

"Well she's a bitch." max sounded sleepy, "some of us were trying to sleep."

David chuckled.

"So where you taking me fuckass? The police station. Lost children department. I wouldn't blame you..." max stared out his widow purposely avoiding eye contact with David. David was going to take him to the police so he could go home... but David couldn't shake the image of the empty enrolment form... hed pushed the memory away but he couldn't go on...

Camp had ended after all...

"where do you want to go?" David sighed

"The fuck? I've ruined your life it's my fucking fault the camp closed! That shit was your life!" there was a long pause of silence, "I don't fucking know where do you usually sneak off to on Thursdays?" David smiled at max surprised he'd even noticed and a silent 'thank you' for the reminder.

"Max, do you remember Daniel?"

"The fucking cultist who almost fucking killed everyone?!? You've gotta be shitting me."

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