Chapter 2- Bad Auras

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“God, a pug face and a pterodactyl voice, let me guess, you have goat hooves?”
                                                                                                                               -Mason Ortiz

I glanced up to see him glaring down at me with a look of disgust. I quickly shoved away, sending him a look of equal venom. Most of the Hogwarts students had followed behind him. Pug-Face had an impatient look. "When are we leaving?" she snapped from behind the mysterious boy. "When I say," I snarled back, glaring at her. She shrank back a bit, causing my friends to snigger from behind me. "Now," I began, giving a hawk like look to the people infront of me. Most appeared to be sixteen like me and my friends, a few may have been fourteen or fifteen. "We're going to the station now and from there you can wander without us, just make sure you get on the train before it leaves because we will not come back to get you," I hissed. A few nodded and smiled in a respectful way, earning a grin from me. These are the ones I could work with. "Right, then follow us." I turned on my heels and followed after my friends, who had already began walking towards the swamp. "Alex?" Ben questioned, stopping at the edge of the swamp. He too had allowed his brown hair to grow out over the summer. Personally, I believed he looked much better this way. Alex quickly took her place at the front of the group before slowing dipping herself towards the murky water. Many girls gasped and gave disgusted sounds while the normal group smiled and beamed with pride. Instead of falling into the water, she walked over it, stroking an alligator on her way to the center of the swamp. There, you could barely make out the disoriented movement of the foreground. I quickly followed after her, taking the same path she did as to not fall into the water. Alex’s passion for the water truly did come in handy. When she was young, she learned to manipulate it just as she could people’s minds. Now, sixteen years later, she could create paths on the surface of any water that allowed people to follow behind if she wished it. She swiftly strode to the side of the gateway before turning by its side. She cocked an eyebrow before calling, “Are you coming or what?” I quickly took a place by her side before following her gaze. None of the new students had followed after us. Our friends had already began filing through the gateway out of pure impatience. “We’re not keeping this open much longer,” I snapped. A few complained about the swamp water before a boy with black, messy hair lowered himself onto the crystal like path Alex created. Everyone gave him weary looks until he straightened up and grinned. The boy began to swagger over to us, making me and Alex grin. Seeing him must have given the others courage. Slowly, they, one by one, began lowering themselves onto the water. “See? It’s completely safe!” Alex coxed just as Pug-Face gave a screech. “There’s an alligator!” she screamed, clutching the mysterious boy again. He rolled his eyes at her stupidity and jerked away before joining the top of the water. He and his friends were the last ones to make it to the gate. “Can you be any slower?” I snapped, glaring at him. He glared straight back, but a smirk was evident on his striking feature. Alex and I turned and barged through the gate, not bothering to let them go by first. If you go lucky it would close and leave them. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. They followed behind us, looking around in wonder. The train was nearly pitch black with hints of red, blue, silver, yellow, and green splashed around it. I grinned broadly at the familiar terrain before catching sight of our friends. “Well, good luck!” I called over my shoulder before we began weaving between chattering students to our group. “Okay, am I the only one who got a really bad aura from them?” Frank asked as we regrouped. “Are your Asian senses tingling, Frank?” Mason asked, causing us to all laugh. Even David cracked a smile and a light chuckle, shaking his head. Frank grinned broadly and nodded. “My Asian powers have never failed before!” A few first years walking by stared at him and giggled, sending him flirtatious looks, which naturally made everyone laugh harder. “Why do I always attract the younger children?” Frank sighed before heading towards the train. Younger girls did always seem to have a thing for Frank. None of us could ever figure out why, but it happened anyway. “Not a word, Madison!” Frank playfully snapped at Mason. A few years ago, we were getting results back on standardized tests and being invited to take certain classes. On every one of Mason’s letters, they had written Madison Ortiz instead. We never let him live that down. He honestly thought it was fairly funny, and always responded to it. Once on the train, a few people broke away, but the main group staid. Alex, Lily, Mason, Jaxson, Frank, David, Joshua, and I took off to find a compartment suited for us. After the train bad started moving, Lily slide a door open that gave just the space we needed. “Finally!” I exclaimed, flinging myself into a seat between Alex and Mason. “It never takes that long to find a place,” Frank sighed just as the door opened again. Pug-Face glared at us from the threshold. “We were going to sit in here!” she screeched. “God, a pug face and a pterodactyl voice, let me guess, you have goat hooves?” Mason chuckled. I ducked my head to hide the grin that had split across my face. He was so mean yet so funny at the same time….. The girl had an angry look, yet none of her “friends” defended her. Instead, the same boy ran his eyes over our group, obviously trying to gauge us. “Can we help you?” David snapped, his muscles flexing a bit to be intimidating. The boy looked at him, as if surprised to be addressed in such a way, before smirking. “Not at all. May we sit in here?” he asked. I glanced cautiously at the others. We were seated in the very back of the train. The narrow corridor ran straight to our door and combined the once two compartments into one, so we clearly had space. The real question was, would we let them? We never let people sit with our group. None of us were trusting to new people. Hell, we hardly trusted each other at times and we’ve been friends since we were eleven. I glanced around at everyone, and although they had cautious looks, they didn’t seem to see a reason why they couldn’t. “Okay,” I agreed, relaxing back into the seat. They all filed quickly into the seating area and became comfortable. Pug-Face sat next to the strange boy, huddling close to him. He sent her a disgusted look and shoved her roughly away, earning a frown from David. He didn’t say anything, but sent the boy a piercing look. “What are your names?” Alex asked, trying to be friendly and get rid of the tension filled air. “Abraxas, Abraxas Malfoy,” a boy with platinum blonde hair and stormy eyes began. He eyed each of us in suspicion, but settled back into his seat. “Orion Black,” another continued, staring out the window. “Daisy Parkinson.” I’m sticking to Pug-Face. They continued going around like this until it came to the boy with striking features. “Tom….Tom Riddle,” he said, watching us with keen eyes. We all quickly introduced ourselves, not wanting to talk to them much. Frank was right. They give off a strange aura. Dangerous, almost. “So, this place has houses too, right?” Abraxas asked, breaking the silence. “Yeah, the Alphandomes, Inteldermores, Knaverians, and Genuitismos,” Joshua explained with a bored look. He obviously didn’t want to spend his train ride explaining something we learned first year. “Hey, let’s go find Bree!” Mason said, standing up and leading Joshua from the compartment. Alex and I rolled our eyes, but I continued the story. “Each name is shortened, though. Alphandomes are called Alphas, Inteldermores are called Intels, Knaverians are called Knavers, and Genuitismos are called Genuites.” “Alphas are considered to be a bit brash and reckless, but their loyalty to friends makes it worth it. They’re kinda smart though,” David continued. “Intels are the smartest house. They’re known to have top marks and the best control over their power if they study it enough,” Frank butt in. “Although Alphas have best control ninety-five percent of the time,” David added. “The Genuites are mostly just like, the people you want in your life. They’re true to their words,” Lily explained. “And that’s leaves the Knavers,” Jaxson sighed. “That’s the house of the deceitful. You’ll do anything for what you want and you can be very persuasive.” This house seemed to catch all of their attention. “Where are all of you?” Tom asked. “Alex, Ben, Mason, and I are Alphas,” I said, earning another disgusted look from Pig-Face. “Joshua, Frank, and I are Intels,” David added with a small smirk. He just knows he’s much smarter than us….. “I’m a Genuite,” Lily continued. “And I’m a Knaver,” Jaxson mumbled, staring down and his and Alex’s intertwined hands. Tom went to say something, when the compartment door slide open. Drake and Drew walked in together, smiling at us. “We’re five minutes away from the school,” Drew explained. “Meeting time,” Drake finished.

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