10 years ahead

110 0 0

Rapunzel POV
Me and Skye walked into the bunker it had been a while since they were here i decided to go to the library while Skye went to her 'woman cave' as she called it dad and uncle dean haven't been here a while since their hunting a vamps nest that's what we were told anyway they hardly tell us anything they just left us to ourselves. I could hear skye she was watching TV and she looked to be watching the walking dead i didn't want to disturb her as she swore every 5 minutes  .

Tomorrow is Skye's birthday i want to make it perfect for her since she had looked after me her whole life she deserved something special so i decided to get her favorite food it was a cherry pie she loves pie its like her addiction if for example you needed her to help with something you'd have to bribe her with pie

AN soz its short i just wanted to start the story

the wayward cousinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora