Chapter Five

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"Hold on," Riley put a hand on Simon's chest to stop him from opening the door. The slow, heavy stomps from the beast had faded completely and all that was left was the roar of the generators humming along the walls. The cameras had been of little use but hadn't completely lost all convenience, after a heated debate we were able to find out the perfect spots of travel to the upper floors. Of course, I wouldn't be going with them. I was to find my own way out once we reached the top.

No matter how much Simon tried, Riley wasn't going to allow me to come with them. I hid my unease from him, he didn't need to know how much it scarred me that I'd be alone. Sure, I could kill within a blink, but I was still young and not entirely sure how things worked.

"Okay, she opens it first. Go on." Riley waved me forward and the both of them, Simon needed more help, stepped back from the door. I wasn't scared of this part, it was just a door and the monster was presumingly long gone. Regardless, the positive thinking didn't stop my tail from hovering between my legs.

Simon shot me sorrow filled look before I twisted the handle and pushed it open. It was almost as if you could hear him taking in his last breath. But there was nothing. Absolute nothingness.

"Looks like we survived the first test. Care to go on?" I mused and gestured for them to step through. Neither of them shared in my bitter humor. They were more than hesitant. Though as Riley squared his shoulders and walked past me I heard Simon let loose a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to die, but he was wrong. It wouldn't be too much trouble to try to keep him alive until we reached the top, I wouldn't mind protecting him.

"I'm right behind you." I said and carefully pushed him forward.

"I-I'm fine, really."

"Sure you are..." I mumbled and quietly closed the door behind me.

Our light, hesitant footsteps echoed after us. You easily hear our labored breathing which made it easy to pinpoint where we were. Truth be told, I was frightened about death. I couldn't die, I just couldn't see it happening. I had just as much enthusiasm as Simon at the time. It was hard to tell about Riley. All I could see was his back and his floppy dirt brown hair. He even had a small tattoo embedded in black ink on the back of his neck shaped like a tree. I'm pretty sure it was just random. Why would it have much value?

For some odd reason it was easier to navigate the halls. I knew just where to step and where to duck. Some of the light rafts from above had broken at the hinges and swooped at the ground. Busted bulbs lay cracked inside the steel ramps and the sparking wires held themselves in tangled globs dangling from the ceiling. At least the hallway was dry, most of the broken pipes had leaked further off.

"The elevator's right here, okay, hurry up," He motioned us forward around the bend and slunk down low, we happily did the same. Normally I wasn't one for hiding but I was sensing that this was a normal moment.

"When it dings you're going to have to rush in. The smallest sound could alert it, in fact, I don't doubt he knows where we are now."

"Got it. Who's going to press the button." I asked.

The both of them turned towards me with obvious looks upon their faces. Why did I even ask? Even Simon didn't seem to mind pushing me out in the open. My tail stopped whipping and my nerves were put on edge instantly. There was only six feet between me and the dented eight foot tall hunk of metal. But then after I pressed the button there would be exactly ten second a worth of idling until it opened or until my slaughter. Either one felt exhausting.

"Go!" Riley hissed.

I nodded, took a deep breath, and darted across the hallway. There were so many floors. God, I didn't even know which floor we were going to. There was the roof and then there was the top of the building. I pressed the fiftieth button and continued crouching low to the floor. The ground had started trembling ever so slightly underneath me as the box glided to our spot. My ears picked up Simon's nervous nail biting habit behind me and his fast beating heart. But it could have just as easily been my own.

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