2 - meeting frieinds

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My arm clock goes off 5 MORE MINUTES it keeps beeping ok ok fine I'll get up stupid alarm clock wakes me up at the time I'm sapose to wake up hjsgrggd
Anyways I need to meet celtic at the park I it's almost 7 Omg I'll be there early I have never been early to ANYTHING in my whole entire life I'm at the part then I see celtic *hay* hi *your here early* thank you *xd so here are my friends aurora Ayala and mayson * hello *hi what's your name* my name is brinley* nice thx so what now *oh you guys want to hang out* yah *okay where* hummm ummm movies? *yah I love the movies it's awsome* yah and after the movie Ima teach you how to play fortnight the best game in the WORLD *yah I don't like vid games but I can't try to play fortnight* yay (this is aurora) *so what movie should we watch* good question hum avengers infinity war *YAH* yay let's go the movie is over that was fun and it looks like it's getting dark *yah* well I better get going *bye* bye and practice fortnight *will do practice makeing you eyesight better so you won't go blind* will do to *xd okay bye* wow this is a good day I hope you know that I'm not getting my eyesight better I love my phone no one can ever take it away from me EVER ok I'm way to attach to my phone it's time for me to go to bed I'm getting a little bit sleep and sooo good night

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