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Franny's Pov.
It's been one year since The House moved out,It's been one year since I have talked to any of them, It's been one year since I lost the most important person I have ever known. The one person I that understand what I am going through.

A year ago my parents passed away due to a plane crash. They were on there way to L.A to come see me.That tragic event lead me to developed major anxiety and depression.

I didn't know how to handle it so I act out. I started going out and drinking more, started being very moody, I stopped going to my meetings, stopped posting on my YouTube channel and a lot more fucked up shit.

My friends were very disappointed in me, I was even disappointed in me. Throughout all of this shit there was one person who understood what I was going through, and that person was Kian. Kian knew what having Anxiety and depressed felt like and he tried to give me some tips.

When I would have my anxiety attacks or nightmares he would always be by my side no matter if it was in public or if he was doing something important. He was always there.

As time went on everything just started to get worse. My behavior was getting out of hand, there was at one point I got arrested due to vandalism. Everything was just a mess, it it still pretty much is.

I was trying to be a good person,I really was. I just didn't know how to let the pain out calmly. I still hope that I am a good person.

When everyone moved out they completely left me behind. They have given up on me, they accepted the fact that I'm too far gone. And that's what hurt the most.

It's July 2nd 2018 and now here I am,still in L.A. I just recently moved into my new apartment. I have learned a lot in the last couple months. I learned how to kinda deal with pain. I stopped drinking and going out, I got my behavior under control, I also have gotten back on my YouTube grind and posted a video on what has been going on. I got picked up by my music label 'Univision creator network' and working on music again.

My best friend Bryana, who has been here from the very start and supported me through everything is also living with me.

I most importantly learned that I didn't want to die, I just didn't want live that specific life I was living.

Right now I am currently walking down the hall of my apartment buildings on my way to a meeting. I stepped into the elevator and as it was about to close a hand pushed it open to get in. I couldn't believe who it was.
Hello! Please comment your thoughts on this so far. Please tell me if I should continue! Make sure to vote and Thank u. I have some crazy stuff for this story coming:)❤️ sorry if there is any misspelled words haha I'm a idiot Xx

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