Back but not back

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I'm kinda back, just wanted to update here a little but my other book won't be updated for quite a while ffffff sorry

Along with my own personal reasons for being a little MIA, I'm also doing summer school, not cause I failed a class, but for my own health and sanity ٩( ᐛ )و
I'm taking history and I cAnnot handle history with 3 other subjects going or I will implode, sooo I'm doing it now.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I lost my pencil case containing all my good pens so I hadn't made any art with pens till now which made me really happy, even if the actual art didn't turn out too well.

There's a bit of a funny story with buying them too, I was with my mom and my older sister and I convinced my mom to buy me some pens that day since she promised she would after watching me break down when I realized I had lost my old ones lmao. So we went and I like this one brand of pens, but the store didn't sell individual ones so I had to buy a set, aND I DIDNT PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY SELL COLOURED PENS TOO.
So I convinced my reluctant mom to buy me the pens which were supposed to be $18. But when we go to buy them the cashier goes "that'll be $31.20" caUSE it turned out tHE PENS WERE ON THE WRONG LABEL. Watching me break down wheezing as my fuming mother goes to pay, the cashier says "yeah, you never realize how expensive these pens can be," and I just wheeze out "they were on the wrong label," and the cashier apologized but laughed a little too.

It probably isn't even that funny but I was laughing hysterically at the time, and my mom is now holding a grudge against me too saying she'll never pay for my pens ever again lmao.

Anyways, here's the stuff I did with the pens.

Anyways, here's the stuff I did with the pens

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I actually kinda like how they turned out, though I didn't really use the green or brown pen

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I actually kinda like how they turned out, though I didn't really use the green or brown pen. I'm a little sad cause the green pen is a little bit of an awkward turquoise kind of green, but it's still nice.

I also did try a little more digital stuff on my phone, I drew one of my OCs Katie. I wanna put more detail into my OCs with their personalities and backgrounds and stuff, I think I'm wanna fuse all three into the same kinda universe too.

 I wanna put more detail into my OCs with their personalities and backgrounds and stuff, I think I'm wanna fuse all three into the same kinda universe too

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It's messy as fUck but it was more so I could figure out what kind of colour scheme I wanted for her.

I still need to practice a lot more with digital art so it's a huge work in progress, hopefully I'll improve over time. (*^◯^*)

That's all I really have, I might update here once in a while but my other book will be updated latest the beginning of August, hopefully (*'▽'*',)

Sorry this was kinda long

*tip tip*

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