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Oh maybe there already here I went to the door happily and opened it when I opened it my smile faded away when .. I saw my cousin?? It's ....



Ohh it looks like you guys already know each other, his mom said

*awkward laugh* y-yes?

Oh come in, my mom said


I cant believe that she is my cousin! *sigh* I do like her but there's no chance... atleast were going to be close*smile*

We went to the dining room and we sat in the chair and we all started to eat... There was a complete silence but Y/N's mother broke it..

Sooo you guys we're classmates right?? ,her mom asked

Y-yes, Y/N answered

[you and the bangtan we're just on the same age same with some few kpop idols..but not all the kpop idols that will be here in my story is same with your age :)]

Ohh that's great...that you two already know each other and there will be no reason for you two to be awkward when you both live together, my mom said

What do you mean if we live together, I asked

Ohh me and Y/N's mom we're going on a business trip and I've decided that youre going to stay here with her since you're his cousin, my mom explained

Ohhh.., I said

What!? WHY?, Y/N complained

Don't worry my daughter our business trip weren't going to be long, Y/N mom's said

But where and when are you both going to leave, Y/N asked

Ohh we'll be leaving later at 4:00 in the morning and our business trip will be held at America, my mom explained

Ohh that's why you have your laugage at the car, I said

Time skips


Ughh why does mom didnt told me this and now Jungkook we're going to stay here!!? I do know him because of hoseok but I still don't know who really he is.. *sigh*

After we cleaned our dining room I immediately went to my room and I texted my bestfriends


Sabrina: Why??

I'm going to tell you something..

Mavi: What it is ??
Sabrina: ??

I have a cousin.. and it's

Sabrina: Congrats 😂
Mavi: Thats good!..

No its not...

Sabrina: Why?

Cause he's going to stay here at our
house! Cause our mom has a business

Mavi:Well dont worry were going
to visit you anytime you want
Sabrina: Yeah

Thanks Guys ur the best!
Anyways uhmm sabrina where did

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