Star Wars Opening Crawl

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Episode XXIII

In a not so distant galaxy.

November strikes back

It is a dark age. The time of Enlightenment is gone. Darth Scrotus has defeated Princess progressive and won the galactic War. Darth Scrotus has allied himself with Putas Egregiuos to begin to corrode the ethical values throughout the galaxy. Darth Scrotus and his evil dark force want to keep their power. So Scrotus releases his flying monkey troopers to search the galaxy and destroy Princess Progressive and her rebel resistance once and for all before the November War.

Having no power. Princess Progressive has been driven out and is now being pursed throughout the galaxy by Darth Scrotus and his evil dark forces. Her rebel resistance finally retreat to a hidden rebel base on the ice planet Hoth. On Hoth, they hope to regain their strength for a new galactic fight to win the November War to come. And defeat Darth Scrotus and regain their power over the galaxy........ 

To be continued.......

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