Chapter 7

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Lucy's Pov:

Next morning--

I woke up hungry so I went to the kitchen where everybody was.

"Good morning" I said and they said hi.

"Lucy, you know that this Monday you enter to school" Jacob said and I nodded.

"Well, you're going to the guys school and we already bought you the supplies"he said

"What's the school name?" I asked

"Beacon Hills high school" he said

It remains me of teen wolfs one.

Wait this Monday is, in 2 days. So 2 days left and that's it. At least I'm not going to my last school, I was the most bullied girl in the whole school, I used to cut but I tried to stop and I did, since I saw Our2Life boys u stopped cutting, they cheered me up and changed me. I don't know if you have feel the Same for someone. But I did and I still feel it

You know, I haven't talked with Shawn lately, after the moment, hid don't talk to me that much, just a little hi and bye, that's it, I thought I liked him but he don't talk or be with me. I still like him but why he don't talk with me?


'No one cares of you' a voice said to me

'No, they do' I said

'Why do you still here? They don't love you' the voice again

'Yes, they love me' I said

'They are going to leave you like your family did when they died'

'No! They love me, stop!' I screamed.

I woke up, it was a nightmare, a really bad one, again.

It's midnight.

Seconds later when I screamed Jacob came in his pajamas.

"Lucy, are you okay sweetie?" Jacob said

I was crying

"What happened?" He asked

"It was a nightmare" I said

"What was it about?"

"Voices were telling me that you guys don't cared bout' me , you were going to leave me alone, didn't love me" I said while crying.

"We won't let that happen, we love you Lucy" he said and kissed my forehead.

" I love you Jacob"

" I love you Lucy" he said

"Want me to sleep with you?" He asked and I nod

His the best guy ever.

"Night daddy"

"Night baby girl" he said

2 Days later:

I woke up early. Today is Monday and the first day of school. I'm nervous. What if they do the same to me at my last school in this one?

Now I'm in the car with Hayes, Shawn, Matt, Nash, Taylor and Cameron is driving us to the school, he's 19 so he finished school, the jacks did too and Jacob, he's 22 so yeah

"Here we are" Cameron said

We get out of the car and Cameron said something to me

"Be safe Lucy" he said and I nodded.

We get into school and people were looking at me like if I killed someone.

I was just walking with Nash, Shawn, Hayes and Matt, why people is looking at me?

"Guys, why people is looking at me?" I asked them

"Maybe because you're with us" Nash said

What's with that I'm with them. They are my brothers so?

The bell ringed and everyone get into their classes so I did.

My first class is..... Spanish.

I get to the classroom and sit in the last chair. I don't use to be close yo the teacher.

The teacher started to talk about random things on Spanish. I don't know

The class passed really fast and the next one was history.

The class was really interesting for me, the whole class I painted George Washington and it looked really cool. It was exactly as the book picture.

The day passed really fast and now I'm waging for Cameron or Jacob alone in the door.

The guys were talking with their friends and that stuff, and I just saw how people were talking and having fun with their friends.

I'm a loner....

There is Cameron.

I get onto the car like the boys did.

We get to home and started taking about the first day of school with Jacob during the dinner.

"so, how was it?" He asked

"Normal" I said

"Did you make friends?" He asked me


"Don't worry, you'll have the whole year for that" he smiled

Then he asked us what did we learn at school today and now is my turn to say it.

"Well, I learn to do this during the history class" I said and show him the drawing

"holy shit! This is George Washington" he said and I nodded

"Let me see it first!" Nash said

"Wow!" Nash said and give it to Shawn, Matt, Hayes, Cameron, jacks and Taylor. They were surprised

" it looks exactly like him" they said

" it's just a drawing" I said eating my spfood

"No, really, it's him but with colors" Shawn said

"Thanks but tu snot that cool" I said

"It is" Cameron said

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