Reality Versus Expectations

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Shit, I'm going to be late. Were the first thoughts to run through Namjoon's head as he put his long-ass arms through the sleeves of his dress shirt. He buttoned the shirt in a messy fashion, not even caring if his somewhat muscled core was seen through the gaps of the slightly unbuttoned baby blue shirt. It's not like the parents will even see me when I get there... I'm that late, but...

Damnit, I'll fix it in the car. He threw on his black coat and tried tying his tie, but gave up. Fucking ties.. I guess I'm fixing everything in the car then. He sighed, looking himself up and down in the mirror. Namjoon, you're such a mess, this is how you go to a job? Really? His eyes slightly skimmed the clock, 6:16PM, although, he was deep in thought. His hands went through his closet, which was next to his body-length mirror.

The room around him was messy, with the  Queen-sized bed undone and coffee spilled on the nightstand next to it. The room was rather large, with the walls painted a gray color, the carpet floor was littered with empty water bottles and clothes (both from him and others). Although he usually kept it clean, today he woke up late due to looking after his little playmates after 1:00AM to make sure they fell asleep properly. Of course, that was his job, and he loved it. He got payed well for such an easy job. He thought he was pretty good at it. The man smiled to himself. He'll have to go to his new job soon, and he was excited. That reminded him, he needed to get going soon- he was supposed to be there at 6:30PM- now it's 6:35PM- shit.

He froze before opening the door to the living room of his apartment. He was missing some things, and he couldn't leave without them. For instance, HIS PANTS. Good lord, imagine if I had left without pants.. He looked down shamefully at his boxers. While doing so, he realized he was on the wrong side of the room to be going to the living room, which meant he was in front of the bathroom door. He turned back to his closet, grabbing his dress pants, not caring if they were wrinkled or not, he really was in a hurry. He put them on and started walking towards the (this time he was sure of it) living room door. He felt them slowly fall from his ass. It was as if the pants were mocking him. He sighed in annoyance. I forgot my belt, how stupid can I get? He didn't want to know the answer. Truth is, he actually has a very high IQ.

Now, the search for the belt. He rummaged through everything. The dresser under the window, his closet, his bed sheets (you never know), his bathroom (come on, now, that one was logical), his living room (stuff doesn't only happen in the bedroom), then, he checked the kitchen, and, of course, it was there, on the countertop. He put it on, completely embarrassed with himself, remembering why it was there in the first place...

Then, something dawned on him.

What toys should I bring? The big ones, that are less shareable, or the small ones, so everyone can have fun?

I'll bring the small ones, they'll enjoy it. Hopefully. I have no idea what age or ages they are. Maybe I should bring an iPad or board game. His eyes widened when he realized something.

Where do I keep all this shit again?


Jin looked at the time for the 'nth time that afternoon. It's 4:50PM, I'm not going to be late. He had been doing this for the past hour he had been putting his suit on for his new job ( a man has to look good and take him time doing so). His was secretly (at least he thinks he was) excited. He blew kisses at his reflection, he just knows his clients won't be disappointed. At least, he hopes.

He walked out of his bedroom into the small hallway connecting the dining room, living room, and kitchen. Of course, Jin's house had an extra room, but he doesn't really use it. He didn't really have the free time... his jobs take up a lot of his schedule and energy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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