friends forever :)

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I was so happy i had a new friend Asher the star football player though i dont how long it will last when his friends start going at him for being my friend he will leave they all did i had 3 real friends in my live even before my mum went nuts i was depressed because of being gay and when i told them they just told me not to talk to them anymore the only one who stay after i told her was my friend jenny she was a sweet girl but got in with the wrong people and she changed turn into a mega slut even tried to crawl into bed with me eww girls were not nice like that but after i told her i didnt want her she was a bitch to me ,

she is somewhere with a 2 year old son called ben pretty with blond hair and blue eyes after she had ben we were knid of friends again seen as the father of her baby didnt want him so she went back to the old jenny we talked on skype still sometimes to catch up it was nice ,

today was my first day as Ashers friend do i talk to him in school do i wait till no is around then talk to him i dont know maybe ill let him make the first move trust me to make a friend that i cant even be seen with well that what you get for being friends with a jock even if he is hotter than the sun its self not that i tell him that he is a closet bi and might still think i am hitting on him and i want a friend i dont want to cock it up by tring to get in his pant not that i would any way i only ever kiss a guy no way am i having sex with someone i just met and i cant even be see with not that he would like me anyway not after what i told him about my mum , i dont know why i just needed to tell him it as if me body knew he wouldnt be mean to me or something .

"thinkin ' real hard there arn't you " Asher drawled from behind me i turned and gave him a small sime he walked up and gave me a one armed hug people were watching in shock and most just stared some guy with blond haire and brown eyes just came up to Asher and gaped at him

"what are you doing man you hanging out with the emos now " the guy grumbled giving me the eye i looked drown and tried to be as small as prossible  i started to move from Ashers arm but he tightened his arm around me

"Mickey my man you got a problem with me hanging out with Drew because i will beat your ass " he said firmly i was in shock he was ..standing up for me to his friend i think i am in love

" no man no problem with Drew just with the gay part you ok with that you know gays dont do well around here " Mikey said looking at me this time the threat was clear which made Asher go really really still

"  so are you saying that just because Drew likes guys you are gunna shun him that is low man i think you should get away from me before i say something i regert" Asher growled

"Asher you really what to be friends with this guy ??" Mikey said in disbeilfe

"yer man you have a problem well if ANYONE HAVE A PROBLEM THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME OK GOT IT GOOD SO IF I HEAR ANYONE GIVING DREW SHIT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN GOT IT ??" Asher looked right at Mikey as he said that i was the happiest gay boy alive right now Asher was my friend shown to all and i loved him for it .


I cant belive i did that i just told every one that Drew was my boy and if tha f@ck with him it meant f@cking with me i was soo proud of myself right now the only problem i had was Mikey he looked so blank and he ran off i made sure Drew was ok before running after him ,  I found Mikey on the football field

" Hey man are you that upset that i am friends with Drew that you are dunna throw away our friendship because i love you like a brother we been through some shit togther and i would love to stay friends with you " i said with hope i really did want to stay friends with Mikey he was my best friend

" why him why change for him i mean he is cute but why now why not sooner this could of save me a whole lot of worring if you had told me sooner that you were ok with gays my man" Mikey said and i froze Mikey was.. gay  how could i not of known the never seeing him with a girl alway turning down Amber i should of known i am aterrible best friend if he couldnt tell me this ?

" why didnt you tell me Mikey you know i would never hurt you your my brother you  been my rock when my dad died how could you not tell me ??" i said hurt am i that bad

Mikey face showed pain and sorrow " you know when i was standing with that guy darron and you told me to saty away from queers because it was wrong well i was seeing darron and he broke up with me because i told him that we couldnt be seen together because you told me to stay awy from him " he hung his head i felt like a compelet ass i knew about the little looks between them and thought that darron was harshing  Mikey well now i felt bad

" i am so sorry Mikey " i said and meaning it

" so are you with this guy Drew or can i have a go at him ??" Mikey said with a smirk i however was not happy i wasnt with Drew so i shouldnt warn Mikey off him but i did like him but he hadnt shown any sighs of liking  me back so i shock my head

" nope all free my man but i am bi not fully gay yet my friend so dont get all girly on me ok ??" i smiled but not really feeling iti just hope Drew likes me as much as i like him

Mikey punched me in the arn as we head back to class

" by the way i am a top so no girly from me but Drew hes a bottom so girly is all him not that its a turn off for a gay it like heaven to me so you would have to have your girly sleepover with him " he laugh as i hit him back to normal just how i like it.

OMG MIKEYS GAY YAY !!  so yer it going well so far tips would be nice i have had a great time writing so bye update soon XXXx

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