Chapter 36

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Nick was about to head into the club when his phone vibrated. He was very surprised to see that the message was from Donnie Wahlberg, since they’d had a lot of problems staying in touch about Amanda’s birthday party.

Mind if I stop by the club to check it out tonight?

Now that wasn’t a bad idea, but he was sure Amanda would be suspicious if one of the New Kids On The Block just happened to be at her club for no reason.

Sure, but when you see my wife do NOT mention the party. It’s a surprise.

Ok, see you around ten.

Nick stopped to think before going inside, he knew Amanda would love to meet Donnie and this was a great opportunity to not only talk to him but feel out the details of the party and the role NKOTB would be playing in the whole thing. He went inside and started rehearsal but decided not to say anything to Amanda and let it be a surprise.

Surprises were always a good thing, right?

That night, Nick performed the first half of his set and kept his eyes peeled for Donnie to show up. It was just before ten. When he got off stage and went back to his dressing room to cool off for a bit, Amanda joined him.

“Who were you looking for before? Are you expecting someone tonight? Cause I don’t think your Dad is around this week. He said something about being away.”

“No, baby...someone is coming but I don’t know if he’s really coming or not so I didn’t want to get your hopes up. It’s Donnie Wahlberg.” Nick said, drinking from his bottle of water someone had brought him.

“Wait….Donnie….from the New Kids On The Block is coming to MY nightclub?” Amanda said in surprise. Nick had to laugh because she was such a big fan of theirs that he knew she'd react like this. She let out a small squeal and then coughed, blushing.

“Sorry, Nick. You know how much I love Donnie. He’s coming HERE? Oh god. Do I look okay? I look like a mess. Maybe I have time to go home and change….” she started muttering. Nick laughed some more.

“Baby, you look fine. He’s just in town and wanted to check out the place. I met him at a couple events and we’ve been talking. I told him you’re a huge fan.”

Amanda kissed him and gave him a huge hug, beaming from ear to ear while her ears turned a little pink,

“I’m sorry, you just have no idea how much of a fan of them I am. Like more than JC even. I’ve always wanted to meet them.” She gushed. Of course Nick knew all of this because he’d known her for so long. Even when he went to stay at her parent’s house in New Jersey before he got his record deal, he’d seen the posters of the New Kids and assumed that she was a fan.  

After talking in the dressing room, Nick got another text from Donnie.

Hey, I’m here.

Nick made sure Donnie got backstage and they stood there, talking.

“So what do you think of the place?”

“This is a nice club. You said your wife is the owner?” Donnie asked.

“Yeah, I gave it to her for her birthday a few years ago before we dated. It does pretty good business.” Nick replied. He had not talked to Donnie a whole lot other than the one night they went for drinks. That night had not amounted to much planning because Donnie had ordered them some shots and after those, Nick forgot the whole reason they were hanging out in the first place. Donnie liked to have a good time but Nick wasn’t really a partier. He did not go clubbing or anything like that, even when he was married to Katie and she dragged him out on his nights off, he would make excuses to leave the club early.

“Your wife sounds like quite a woman.” Donnie smiled.

“She sure is.” Nick said, catching her eye and smiling.

Amanda was freaking out because she saw Donnie from across the room. He looked good, dressed in a nice pair of pants and black shirt, with a chain hanging around his neck. He was her favorite New Kid and she couldn’t believe he was here in her nightclub. Checking to see if her breath was fresh, she also looked in a mirror really fast to make sure she didn’t look like a hot mess before making her way over to where Nick was talking to him.

“Nick told me you were coming, how are you? I am Amanda Carter.” Amanda introduced herself as she held out her hand and smiled. Donnie took her hand in his and kissed it gently, smiling back.

“It’s nice to meet you, Nick’s told me a lot about you. This is a great club you have here.”

Amanda blushed and Nick was holding back a chuckle because he knew she wanted to freak out. They took some pictures together and Nick left them to talk while he set up for the second set of the night.

“So what brings you here tonight, Donnie?” Amanda asked as she handed him a drink.

“Nick asked me to come by. He also said you’re a fan?”

“Yes, actually. I’ve been a fan my whole life. Nick bought me tickets to one of your shows last summer.” Amanda explained, smiling and blushing again. She was hoping she was not looking like an idiot but Donnie didn’t seem to be bothered at all. He was very nice and humble as well.

Nick started to sing the opening bars of a song he’d written for Amanda on the last album he’d released called “Special”. He was really happy that Amanda and Donnie Wahlberg seemed to be getting along because this would be great for her birthday party.

So why did he feel a little threatened by how much they were talking? It wasn’t like he was jealous of him. Nick didn’t think anything of their conversation. They were just being friendly.

Pushing his feelings aside, he continued the set and made a mental note to talk to Donnie later that night about the birthday party some more because it was almost here and he needed to finalize details.

The birthday party would totally make up for all the stuff that happened with Savannah, wouldn’t it?

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