Chpt: 2 You Thinking About Her Again?

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I slumped in my seat, my eyelids drooping. Booooooored......, I muttered in my head. Choir class is soooo boring! Don't get me wrong, I love singing and I definitely love impressing the girls with my breathtaking voice, but it's the first day of school and we didn't even get any music sheets to practice! How am I supposed to woo the girls with my voice if I don't even have any material to woo them with?!
I slowly looked over at Raven, who was sitting 3 desks away a row behind me, and chuckled at her position. Her chin was on the table and her eyelids were drooping as well, she looked like she was trying her very best not to sleep in front of the class. That would not be very pleasing to look upon.
Raven, for me, is always pleasing to look upon, no matter WHAT she was doing. Example? The way her semi-curly, shiny black hair would slightly whoosh as she laughs darkly, or maybe the way her dazzling but dangerous midnight blue eyes would glare at me when I tell a joke. Some people would find her and her glare unsettling, but not me, I find it quite amusing. Oh, but I don't only think that her looks are amusing. Her personality is both fierce and amazing. Ever since we met when we both first started attending the Academy, I have fallen for both her beauty and her one-of-a-kind personality. She was just so....
amazing! In a million ways, of course.
I sighed contently and forced myself to peel my eyes away from her. She might not show kindness so much anymore, but I know who she truly is, under all those insulting thoughts to others and that outer, introverted personality, is a girl who's beautiful inside and out and a precious worthy diamond. I smiled a lovesick smile.
I wonder if she feels the same....

"Connor? Hello? Is Connor there? AhEm.".
A voice beside me coughed and interrupted my thoughts. I snapped awake and turned my head towards the voice. "Huh...?!", I snapped. The voice chuckled in reply. It was my buddy, Caspian de Bosques. He had dark brown hair that was always pulled back by a bit of hair gel and had mischievous bright green eyes and was the only one who knew about my feelings for Raven.
Also, his family was descended from centaurs. "Are you dreaming about that little señorita again, mi amigo?", he grinned as I transformed into a blushing mess.
"W-what?! No!".
Caspian raised his eyebrow and I sighed in defeat. "Yes, I was.". My horse buddy grinned again then for some reason huffed and shook his head. "No, mi amigo!! What are you saying: 'I WAS'," he mimicked. "Don't say it in past tense! You ARE still are thinking of her, no?", he asked in his cool Spanish accent. I pretended to not hear him and instead, pretended to be still daydreaming about Raven.  Caspian stared at me with disbelief written all over his face. "Aye....,"he lowered his head and face-palmed. "Why don't you just tell her how you feel, mi amigo?". I closed my eyes and shook my head dramatically. "As if! She'll definitely feel very uncomfortable! I don't want her to feel like that! It's better if we stick as friends and not ruin anything," I mutter. Caspian sighed beside me but nodded. He put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly and nodded slowly. "If that's what you want, go ahead. Besides, time will tell when she might realize how you feel for her, I'm sure of it," he said firmly. I chuckled but nodded back. "Alright, bro, thanks.".
"No problem, flying unicorn.".
"Haha, very funny, you human-horse fusion".

Hello y'all!!
I would like to thank you all for reading this story! I have only posted those first 3 pages yesterday and HOLY GUACAMOLE, THERE ARE ALREADY 17 READS!!!!!
I'm so so so so so happy!! I definitely didn't expect this, and I would just like to thank you all SOOOOOOOOO much!!
In a way, you have supported me in so many ways, and have pushed me to continue my work. Originally, I just decided to start this story for a little thing to do in my free time, but I didn't expect people to actually read my crap!! Thanks again, and sorry that this chapter was short, I'll do my absolute best in the next one.
Oh, and also, I would love to hear your feedback, I'd love to hear your ideas on how I can improve my stories!

Peace and Love From the Author,
Lady Mysti-Cass

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