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I am so sorry i haven't updated in so long trust me I have a good reason, before I say why I have been a way for so long you need to know 2 things

1. I have had a really really bad past filled with blackmail, depression, death, abuse and bad people

2. I have a phobia of police sooo if something happens I will not tell the police if it's just me involved.

I have been away for so long because I recently meet someone who seemed really nice to start with and he asked me out and I said yes he was nice for about 3 months (I was still updating at this point) and after that he got... well abusive and when he found out that I was on wattpad he took me to his house and locked me in his room hitting me and doing bad things I found a way to get back on wattpad but I didn't want to in danger anyone so I found my old friend her name is acaly but her name on wattpad is neverpancakes I told her my situation because she is a police officer and serves in the army she said she would come get me a few days later I was shot after I heard someone break the door down and my so called "boyfriend" cursing and running upstairs and pulling his gun out I can't remember what happened after that but after I woke up she had to go but we started following each other. This is another bad situation I got my self into sigh...

Hey hopefully now you can understand my absents on wattpad, again I am so sorry about not updating..


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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