A close call

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As I got home of course I saw my dad with a beer in his hand yelling at the news reporter.

"Ey what happened to your face slut?" He snapped. None of your concern I replied "phh not like I would care anyway" he stated

When I got upstairs I walked strait to the bathroom. I got out my razor and started cutting, I cut pretty deep. I started feeling light headed and the last thing i remember is the blood on my wrist

(2 hours later)
I woke up to a headache and a sharp pain in my wrist. Woah that was a close call. Not like anyone would care if I died. They probably won't even notice.

( cams POV )
I feel like we gave KC a pretty hard beating today. I kinda feel bad, wait! What am I saying? The slut deserved it. I get an incoming call from Nash and he starts raddling on about good ideas on what we should do to KC tomorrow at school. Then i thought of something very clever, yet so cold and so mean that the whole entire school will turn against her.

( Nash's POV )
Throughout the school day I have noticed KC's wrists. I think we have a cutter on our hands boys, I say as Shawn and Taylor nods. "So what are we gonna do about it " asks Taylor. We are gonna tell the WHOLE school about it.

Taylor and Shawn looked shocked but pretty pumped for the plan. " do you think it will work? Do you think people will believe us " asked Shawn

YES!!!! They have to! We are the most popular kids in school. And if they don't believe us then I will take care of it I said.

Well looks like KC has another thing coming her way.

( KC's POV,......the next day )

As I walk into school I see people smirking and laughing at me. I knew it had to have something to do with the boys. I see the kids approach me, " hey next time cut deeper, maybe you will die" the girl said. Another one said " nobody wants you, please stop breathing our air " I was shocked!

I see the boys coming close to me. I didn't notice i was crying until I felt something warm run down my cheek

" HEY EVERYONE LOOK..THE SUICIDAL GIRL IS CRYING " carter yells. Why would they do that, what have I ever done to them to make them so mean?

I run to the bathroom and get my blade from my pocket, and I do what I do best...... I start cutting.

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