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What the hell is the hold up? I had to have been waiting here for half an hour. This plane should've been in the air by now, and halfway to its damn destination! Calm down girl. Look on the bright-side. So far it seems like I'm gonna have these seats all to myself.

The pilot's voice boomed over the intercom informing us that we'll be leaving shortly. There was some sort of a mix up.

"About time." I mumble under my breath. I put my headphones back in, listening to a CD my friend had downloaded on my phone. It actually sounds good! Sign O The Times was its name, and I'm even more impressed with the fact that my friend likes this compared to all of the shit that she listens too :3 I shoot her a quick text.

ME: This album is the shit! I'm surprised

EBONY: -_- Told ya! R u almost 2 Minni?

ME: No we aren't even in the air yet, but the pilot said we'll be leaving soon -_- I'm beyond pissed AND bored

EBONY: Ughh..I'll be waiting and I bet you are! Hey, hopefully U'll get to sit next to a nice guy. He'll entertain ya! ;)

ME: Fuck you!

EBONY: :* <3 Everyone wants to these days. GET IN LINE.

I had been scowling at my screen for so long that I hadn't noticed the small man settling in next to me. Damn, guess I won't be alone the entire flight. The nice thing to do would be to make small talk even though I didn't want to. From the slight glances I gave him he didn't seem like he wanted any small talk either. He had on sunglasses for God's sake. Who wears sunglasses on a plane at night? He pulled something from his pocket, a black iPod then took his sunglasses off. The guys wearing eyeliner and..it actually looks good on him? Am I sitting next to a male stripper? He's got the hair for it too! Jet black, relaxed and parted down the middle. I yank out my right ear-bud slightly turning my head.


"Hello," He says without eye contact. His deep voice definitely didn't fit his frame. It surprised me. "How are you?"

"Pretty good," I lied "and yourself?" He purses his lips for a quick second then turns to look at me for the first time. His deep chocolate orbs temporarily sent me into a dream-like state. My mouth slightly hung open.

"I can't complain." Before I could say anything more he put in his headphones and went back to his iPod. Well then. Fuck you too sir. I put my ear-buds back in. I could feel him smiling beside me.

This was going to be a long ass trip.


♫ Butterscotch clouds with a tangerine and a side order of ham. If you set your mind free baby maybe you'd understand. Starfish and Coffee, maple syrup and jam ♫

My heavy eyelids open slowly. Someone was lightly shaking me. I pull the ear-buds from my ears. Before I could ask any questions I was cut off by my neighbors voice.

"We're almost to Minneapolis."

"Damn that was fast." I drowsily mumble, earning me a chuckle.

"Well you slept the whole ride!" He states matter-o-factly. Oh so he wants to talk now? He raises an eyebrow. "What were you listenin' to?" Well I've got nothing better to do.I'll humor the guy for the last couple of minutes.

"Sign O The Times album a song called...Starfish and Coffee." I state proudly "Its trippy as hell."

"Aaahh," He purrs "You're a Prince fan?"

"No not really my friend just downloaded this on my phone." I let the words lightly bounce from my lips. "I hear he's an asshole."

I swear the face this man made looked like he had just bitten straight into the worlds most sour lemon. His eyebrows creased. His plump lips puckered. I could tell he was biting on the inside of his cheek. Damn taking it hard aren't we? You'd think he was Prince himself!

"I'm sorry!" I say after his face settles. "Are you a die hard Prince fan?"

He glares at me "Mmhm...One could say that."

"Well, um thats what I heard. I mean, I've never met the guy before." Good thing looks can't kill. I begin to laugh nervously, "Ya know he's having a concert here tonight, haha. My friend got us two tickets so I'm gonna go! Did you get tickets?"


"Yeah I did, actually. I'm gonna be way up in the front, really hard to miss."

"Oh yeah? My friend and I got pretty good seats too." I smile weakly. Woo, thank the Lord this plane landed. I avert my gaze out the window. "I hope he performs Starfish And Coffee tonight." I can feel his intense stare on the side of my face.

"I got the strangest feelin' he will."


"The entire ride was just awkward!" I yell over the crowd as we make our way to our seats.

"You mean the portion that you were awake for was awkward." Ebony corrects.

"Man, if these security guards weren't here I'd bust you right in your kneecaps." I couldn't think of anything better to say. She laughs.

"Yeah right. You're just tryna keep up a good image for your mystery man. Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know and I don't care. He said he'd be way in the front, but I'm not looking."

"Lucky ass! He gets to sit close to Prince and bask in his sexy!"

"He's really that fine?"

"Girl, look up the word 'fine' in the dictionary and a picture of him will be right next to it! He's got those chocolate brown eyes that could stare deep into your very soul. That flawless caramel skin that looks as smooth as butter! Those perfect healthy and full of bounce jet black locks! That velvety deep voice!"

"Yeah," I scoff "Does he wear eyeliner too? And walk around wearing shades even though its dark as hell outside?"


My neck snaps "What?"

The lights in the stadium dim and the crowd grows louder. Thunder begins to rumble, as the dim lights turn to a deep shade of violet. Then they completely go off. That couldn't have been Prince back there on the plane? Celebrities have private jets right? Aha right? Maybe I'm over reacting. Shut up. Shut up and enjoy the concert.!I focus my attention back on the stage. A familiar piano melody starts to play, and a familiar voice starts to sing along with it

"It was 7:45, we were all in line 2 greet the teacher Miss Kathleen. First was Kevin, then came Lucy, third in line was me. All of us were ordinary compared 2 Cynthia Rose. She always stood at the back of the line, a smile beneath her nose. Her favorite number was 20 and every single day if U asked her what she had 4 breakfast, this is what she'd say.." The piano playing stopped. The lights were still out excluding the occasional glow of cellphone screens. The crowd was going crazy. "I'm hoooome." The velvety voice bellowed into the microphone, sending the crowd into hysterics. "I missed you." The crowd applauded. Voices could be heard yelling 'We missed you too Prince!' He continued. "So a certain somebody told me something that was very unnerving today. Minneapolis, I couldn't believe my ears! Girl obviously ain't know who she was talking to." I shrink lower into my seat. "I'm nice aren't I? Don't I treat ya'll right?" The crowd yells 'YES' in response. I on the other hand am mentally kicking myself. "See?? So me being the 'nice' person that I am, decided not to embarrass her here tonight." I could literally see the smile on his face. "All I'm gonna say is that she's somewhere in the audience and this is one of her favorite songs of mine."

The lights came on and there he was dressed in black with a smile on his face.

The man I sat next to on the plane.

Prince Nelson

The Rock Star

The Legend

The Asshole

♫ Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine And a side order of ham If you set your mind free, baby Maybe you'd understand Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam ♫

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