Light Up My Soul

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The morning dawn kisses me with a happy hello. 

The sunset waves goodbye with one last streak of colour in the sky,

lighting up my soul.

Bask in the fiery warmth that dances upon each surface

of your skin.

Let light enter your pupils, open your eyes

to a world of fluorescence. 

Set ablaze a once cold heart

with new strength to beat 

in rhythm with the suns rays. 

In your dark days, allow me to be that constant reminder 

of a hope set on fire. 


I would not be here writing (so often haha), if it wasn't for some amazing people that have brought light when I was in the dark. This poem is dear to me because I really need that light some times to pull me through and you guys, and many more are constantly lighting up my life with your funny, encouraging, and supportive comments, reads, and votes. Thank you truly and you guys know who you are. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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