Shifter series by soulshifter2love

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book 1

shifter amongst the wolves

Paige appears to be a normal 17 year old student who loves art and the nature around her. But looks can be deceiving. She is the last Soul-shifter alive and has recently moved to a new town with a mixed community of humans and werewolves alike. When troubles from the past come to haunt her she has to make a choice : Keep her secrets from the wolves or make an unsuspected friendship?


book 2

finding the shifter bloodline (shifter book 2)

After their ordeal with the hunters, Paige and Jacob are finally mated, set to rule over Luke's pack. Although Paige has her extended family, she still longs for her birth-parents. She and Jacob agree and, together with a small group, they set out on a journey to find the remaining soulshifters on earth, one Pure soulshifter and one Gifted soulshifter.

Their journey quickly turns into a race against time when the hunters step up their game to find the last of the shifters alive, targetting both Paige and her parents. And let's not forget the fact that a shifter's blood is highly alluring for the Rogue vampire king.

In their search for her parents, both Paige and Jacob will go through struggles and tests. But will they come out stronger then before..or will their mating crumble to pieces?

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