1 mississippi

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My own name went through my head.
I hate my name, no offense to other Emma's, but I just feel like so many people in my life have just worn it out.
I'm just making myself frustrated.
"JULIE!" I yell for the women that gave birth to me.
"EMMA! we have talked about this! Do not call me by my first name.." she raised her voice at me.
"See Julie, that's the issue.. you don't want to be called by your first name and I don't want my name at all. I mean it's .." I began but my Julie cut me off.
"We have been over this too you are not going to start arguing with me on changing your name, AGAIN." She knew me well. She knows what I'm going to say next..
"I'm going to.." she cuts me off again.
"Timothy glass.. I know just go.." she continues to was the dishes.
Before I go I grab two orange Fanta's the ones in the glass bottle.
I swing my bag on my back.
Hug Julie really quick.
Pat her on the head and say.
"Who's a good mom. your a good mom."I say like I was giving attention to a dog.
"1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi.." She screams.
Oh shit I really pissed her off.
I run out of the house unable to breathe from laughter.
I laughed so hard that I fell on the lawn and my eyes teared up.
"Hun are you okay?" Mrs.barney asked over that white fence I hate, from her yard.
She was watering her flowers.
"Good morning mrs.barney.." I say getting up of the ground.
She shakes her head.
"Still giving your poor mother a hard time." She said in a sassy old annoying woman tone.
"Hard time?! I'm sorry mrs.barney but is that any of your business and assuming things is rude.. GOOD DAY." I say very serious and uptight.
I hop on my bike and start riding to Timothy's house. I laugh all the way thinking about what I said to mrs.barney.
I may hate a lot of things but I don't hate feeling the wind and sunshine on my face, looking around at the trees and flowers.

Timothy's lives in an ugly house too but I always thought His was less ugly than mine.
I push my bike over in his lawn and run up to his front porch open the door.
Take off my boots.
"Hello Mrs.Glass, where is Timothy." I ask.
She jumped.
"Hello darling, he is in his room.." she said without even making eye contact.
His mom has a rude, snobby personality that no one can stand.
I just deal with it because I like my best friend, it would upset him if I was rude to his mother and then she decides kick me out.
"Okay thanks.." I smile awkwardly and start to his room.
"Wait.. Emma .." Mrs.Glass began.
"Frankie.. Mrs.Glass.." I cut her off.
She just looked at me surprised.
"Continue." I jester.
"Umm okay. Dear, he is upset." She said very quiet, Like he could hear us.
What could he be upset about?
Did he loose his Nintendo again?
Is he just depressed?
Or is it his girlfriend that I don't like?
I gasp
"THAT FUCKING BITCH! It was her wasn't it?..." I scream.
"Dear.. language." She said kinda scared to say anything else or scared I'll then point all this anger at her.
I run up the stairs.
Down the short hall but I open the door being cautious.
I didn't see him at first but I saw the big bump in his blankets.
"Hey." I say sympathetically.
No response just sobbing.
I sit on the bed and rub the blanket.
"It's ok Timothy."
I only gave him as much care and sympathy as possible.
He uncovers his head.
We look at each other and laugh because both of us were crying like a mess.
His tear stained cheeks, red puffy eyes, and messy hair made me think that this wasn't his cunt girlfriend. Something bigger hurt him because he didn't care about her that much and sometimes not at all.
So I was lost on why.
"Why?" I wipe my tears.
His face scrunched up.
His eyes watered and his lip quivered.
He hugged me kinda aggressively but sweet and soft at the same time.
"I know I know it's hard but your killing me, I need to know."
I hug tighter.
He breathes deeply..
"I-I want to run away.." he said confidently, sitting up straight wiping his tears.
"But why?" I ask majorly confused.
He walks over to the window, looking out emotionally. Then finds the words he needs.
"..my mom is a prick, my school is terrible.. I don't want to go beach there, and all I want is you and freedom." It seemed like a painful push for him to tell me that but it made sense.
But it almost made too much sense.
I'm just frozen.
Frozen for word or thoughts..
Except for the thought that my life was suddenly so simple.
"TIMOTHY! That's amazing." I stand up and jump in excitement.
He laughed.
"Come on then let's pack. You can drive my car. We'll go to Italy, Paris, Spain, Sydney."
I rant.
"Woooh there kiddo. We have to plan we can't just go now." Timothy said in hopes that I would see the reality.
I did see it but I just say fuck reality.
"Okay then what's the plan, Mr.Glass." I put down his tee shirt that I was preparing to shove into a bag.
"Well the plan is.." Timothy began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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