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I growl at the Socs surrounding me.

"Aw come on baby, we just wanna talk."

"Bullshit." I spit, flicking out my switchblade. "You're just tryna get me because I'm a Greaser."

"Mmmm. Good point." Thier obvious leader grins menacingly at me. "Grab her!" Two Socs run forward and grab my shoulders. I flip my switchblade to my weak hand and use my now empty right one to sock one square in the face.

One down, five to go.

As soon as the Soc I punched goes down, I bring my fist up to meet the other Socs face. As he staggers back, I kick him hard in the stomach and he goes down too. Good. That one was getting annoying.

I turn to look at the remaining four Socs, all of them wearing an expression of either shock or fear. I cock my head to the left.

"Boo." Three of them scramble away. Wow that actually worked. I grin. The one Soc remaining is their clear leader, and he shoots me an angered look.

"Pathetic little Greaser." He snarls, slowly advancing towards me. I rest my hand on my hip and bring a finger up to tap my lips in mock thought.

"Uhhh, I don't think so."

"I--." The leader starts to say, but he pauses as he looks over my shoulder. Then he grins. Before I can turn to see what he's looking at, a strong hand clamps over my mouth. I struggle against the arms confining me until I feel the cool metal of a switchblade against my throat.

"That's it girlie. Nice and easy." I feel hot breath at my ear, and I shut my eyes real tight, bracing myself for the worst.

"Not so tough now huh." I can practically hear the grin in his voice. "I hate to tell you babe, but we're gonna--." His words are cut off, and I open my eyes to see a brown haired, muscular man lifting the leader off the ground by his throat. Darry. A new energy surges inside of me, and I bite the hand of my captor. He quickly releases me, and I turn around fast, fist flying. My fist connects with not his face, but the arms he had brought up to protect himself. I grumble in frustration and grab his wrists, kneeing him in the stomach. The Soc keels over, and on his way down I feel a searing pain on my forearm. Looking down, I see a deep gash from his switchblade, the red standing out against my milky complexion.

"Shit." I yell, as the two Socs scramble away from us. I feel Darry standing behind me and I turn to face him.

"Whats wrong?" He asks, worried eyes searching my body for signs of pain. I hold out my forearm and he takes it in his strong hands. "Well, good for you, I know how to patch up battle scars." He says, grinning at me. Pony says me and Soda are the only two people who can make him smile like that. I wonder why.

I eagerly return the grin, and he scoops me up bridal style.

"The cut is on my arm, not on my leg! I can walk." I protest.

"I know." He grins at me again. "But when else am I going to get to carry a beautiful woman like this?"

Oh. That's why.

"Fine." I pretend pout all the way to the Curtis house. Darry kicks open the door revealing two of the six Greasers that make up our gang, Steve and Two-Bit. Darry sets me down and walks off to go get some medical supplies. Two-Bit strides over to me.

"I'm surprised you let him carry you like that." He teases.

"Special circumstances." I joke, and I hold out my arm for him to see. The smile is instantly wiped from his face and he takes my arm in his warm hands. A low whistle comes from Steve as he walks over.

"Oooh babe, that's a doozy." Steve inspects my wound along with Two-Bit. I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine. It's nothing."

"I wouldn't call it nothing." Darry calls as he re-enters the living room. Both heads turn away from my arm to watch him expectantly. "Well, she did get that cut from fighting off six Socs at once." He says nonchalantly, dropping the bandages and gauze he gathered on the dining room table.

"Yeah well, I would've probably been dead if Darry hadn't shown up." I say, breaking away from Two-Bits grasp to sit on the table.

"Nah, you would've been fine. I just made it easier for you." He says as he takes my arm and cleans it gently with a cloth. The water stings and I yank my arm away. Darry calmly grabs it again and continues.

"Well, we'll leave you two alone for now. But be prepared to tell Amber's kick ass story when the whole gang gets back." Two-Bit calls as he and Steve walk down the steps of the front porch. I watch them go, and end up staring off into space as Darry cleans, sanitizes, and bandages my forearm.

"Hey, Darry?" I mumble, turning to look at him.

"Mmmmm?" He finishes up on my arm and sets the pack of bandages and gauze down on the table. I look down at my shoes. I've had a huge crush on Darry for as long as I can remember, and I don't know what it is at this moment, but I have an itch to let him know about this little fact. And this itch needs to be scratched. He sees my worried expression and instantly tips my chin up to look at him. "What's up?"

"Well, now your face is up." I make the joke and grimace. Now he'll know something's wrong. I always crack jokes when I can't express my feelings.


I take a deep breath and look up into his ice blue eyes.

"Oh what the hell? Darry, I have a huge crush on you. Why am I telling you this? It's probably the adrenaline. Well it's out now so, no take backs. Woo, I feel much lighter now actually. This is pretty--" My awkward rambling is cut off by his lips crushing mine. Almost instantly we fall into a rhythm, my fingers tangling in his hair and his on my waist, limbs crisscross applesauceing every which way. It slows down and I take the break to mutter, "Wow."

I feel him chuckle against my ear.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." He mumbles onto my neck, giving me chills. I give a breathless laugh.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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