Day 1 2455 (After Nova event) -from parents perspective-

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We go into the genetics lab after we found the news that Celia (my wife) will be having a baby a few weeks earlier. Since both of us are secret evil geniuses we know we have to do whatever it takes to get the perfect genes for the baby.

So here is the timeline. About 400 years ago the gamma radiation from a star somehow made it past all of earth's natural defenses and hit our planet. It killed two thirds of all humanity and animals. The humans that survived discovered that wthey were different from before and had mutations. The first mutations were too strong and raw for the human genes so another half of the people died, but the ones who survived reproduced quickly and repopulated the earth, but now about half of the world had "superpowers" and half of the world did not.

Some examples of these mutations and their classification is Strength, speedsters, elementals (electric fire earth air ice etc), super minds/geniuses, telepathy, telekinesis, bubbles, transfiguration (changing into different animals or creatures), flight, resistant skin, and some minors like super sight, super smell, super hearing, fast regeneration, and fast reflexes. There are many more that I can name but we must go on.

The classification is from class one to five. Class ones are the weakest and only have a minor version of a power. Class twos are the most common and are a regular version of a power. Class threes are mostly rare and are a very strong version of a power. Class fours are extremely rare and are a overpowered version of a power. A class four strength man can play with a dense ball of titanium like it is putty and throw a person out of the world. Class five is almost unheard of and is a legendary version of a power. A class five person has the potential to end or take over the world.

Anyways back to the story. We were going in to the gene lab to "modify" the genes of our baby. The gene lab is a place where you can add mutated genes to a embryo. (Some super minds invented it a hundred years back). The government moderates the genes you can give your baby (so they don't accidentally make a super powered villain) and locks the very strong genes in a vault.

While I talk to the scientist about an appointment we won't have later my wife slips behind him and turns invisible (another minor ability I did not mention). I distract the lab scientist while she picks the lock to the vault. Also, with my telekinesis I float the machine that combines the DNA and a heavy object.

When my wife finishes with the lock and has stolen the right amount of genetic tubes I drop the heavy object on the scientists head and throw him in the vault. I go into the vault and use a scanner to find the hidden door in the wall. I use my telekinesis to rip the metal secret door open then I peek inside the smaller and more "secure" safe, reach my hand in, and take a glowing tube that holds the most important part of our plan. I walk out and my wife turns visible again "Heres the Z-€ gene" I say handing it to her . Then I take out my warp invention and turn it on to self defense mode. We put on our ski masks while the guards (who had detected the vitals of the scientist) come around the corner. They see us, take out their binding guns, and fire. My device warps the bindings back at the guards locking them to the floor. While they are staring at us we swagger to the exit and leave the building.

I turn the warp invention to bright and fun mode and wait for the cops to come. When they get to us and say we are "surrounded" the device does exactly what it was designed to do. It slowly starts to glow and when the first cop fires it warps us into the plane that we had flying above us. Down below where the invention still lays it explodes with a million sprinkles.

I nod and say "now that is how to do a stylish exit".

My wife puts the our embryo and the genetic tubes into the safety capsule then puts the special glowing tube into the bigger more important looking slot while I pilot the plane. The genetic process starts and in seconds the DNA is combined.

The cops recognize us in the car and probably (from my point of view in the seat) are currently calling air support. I push the throttle and the plane speeds up to about 723 mph which is almost the speed of sound. I detect the fighter jets on the radar and watch them as the line up with the plane and turn on their attractor beams. Exactly when the fighter ships start to fly next to us I throttle the plane to the speed of sound and create a sonic boom. The sonic wave hits the other air ships and causes their attractor beams to back fire and rip their own ship apart.

As we fly past the debris and have some air space I catch on our radio intercepter that they have been given the order to shoot to kill. In about three seconds there are five missiles on me and I speed up the plane once again. I manage to dodge four of the five but the last one hits directly on our main engine.

I think for a bit then I mention to Celia "I just calculated all of our plans and the only plan that works is plan 13Z".

Celia looks shocked for a second then says "oh no I hate that one, but I'll get it in motion".

She then goes over to the sphere that will grow and hold our baby for the next months and places it in the escape pod. I divert the last of the planes power into the safety tank and it blasts into the atmosphere which it will stay until our child is done growing. Then the our ship hits the ground...

-HELLO I have just started in this app and this is my first book. I am definitely going to write more of this and You will know when it's done. I really hope you enjoy and I would love comments about any mistakes I made. Also This book CAN be affected by comments so if you have any ideas of what should be next then there is a good chance I WILL put them in this book. (As long as they are good) anyways this is the Timothy and GOODBYE-

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