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September 1st was quickly approaching, and Lúcia couldn't be happier about it. She regularly took out her wand, just to grin and giggle happily at it before storing it back in her trunk, and Crookshanks was happily adjusting to his brand new life by the beach. Contrary to most cats, or perhaps just popular belief, he loved to go out by the ocean and wet his paws, and when he wasn't doing that he'd also go over to the forest by their house.

Nanny Rose was also filled with excitement over the prospect of Lúcia finally getting her dreams of becoming a witch fulfilled. She couldn't wait to see where the girl would be sorted, how she would act at Hogwarts, what her favourite class would be, and everything else. She was becoming a bit worried over how Lúcia had literally no friends her age since she'd been thrown out of home. Of course, Lúcia had never been one to be very much interested in hanging out with the girls in her school, all of who she claimed had a 'strong liking for dolls', which, in her words, 'only proves they haven't good taste at all, dolls are probably the creepiest thing in the universe'.

Still, she felt as though Lúcia would connect with her fellow students at Hogwarts much more than she connected with her fellow rich people at St. Bernard's Private School.

"Lúcia, it's time to get up, you'll miss the Hogwarts Express!" Nanny Rose knocked at Lúcia's door, and almost fell into the girl's room as she opened it, fully dressed and holding Crookshanks.

Of course it was important to sleep and all that, but Lúcia was much too excited for that!

"Morning, Nanny!" She exclaimed happily, taking the cat with her into the kitchen and pouring milk into a cup as easily as she could while holding her fluffy cat. Nanny could tell that even though Lúcia obviously hadn't gotten any sleep at all, she was far too happy and anxious to be tired. Certainly, the girl was wide awake! So Nanny sat down in the table, waved her wand to bring down some biscuits for Lúcia, before taking out the paper.



Upon their arrival at King's Cross Station, Lúcia was currently watching several others go through the wall between platforms nine and ten with a nervous bounce.

"How long till we can go?" She exclaimed to Nanny, who laughed.

"Soon, don't worry."

As she spoke, a family of four passed by them looking very much anxious and lost. The girl would've written it off as another day at King's Cross before noting one of the girls in the family had a wand sticking out of her pocket, and, upon closer inspection, saw a owl was in a cage on their cart too. Lúcia tapped Nanny's shoulders and nodded her head at them.

"I rather don't think they know what they're doing."

Nanny blinked before nodding slightly, smiling before pushing the cart with all of Lúcia's stuff and making towards the family. Lúcia followed her quickly, her long hair billowing and Crookshanks meowing in protest in her arms at the sudden movement.

"Excuse me, do you need some help getting to Platform 9 and 3/4?" Nanny Rose asked kindly with a smile upon reaching them. "I couldn't help but notice you were looking rather lost."

The woman blinked before nodding, smiling back. "Oh, that would be wonderful! See, we're new to all of this, and Lily here," she nudged one of her daughter's, the one with the bright red hair, "it's her first year, so we don't quite know exactly what we're doing."

"Oh, that's perfectly understandable! Lily," Nanny Rose smiled at the girl, who smiled tentatively back, "can go with Lúcia, it's her first year too. See, you just walk straight into that wall there. First time, it may be better if you get a running start, too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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