Fun Fact Time!

I am 16

I have depression (diagnosed, I take medicine for it and used to have a therapist)

I get pretty bad anxity (not to the point that it's crippling, but to the point that I do have the occasional attack)

I am also fairly certain I have misophonia. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the senseitivity to sound, or more accurate to the name, the hatered of sound. Only certain noises trigger it, and mine is mild in comparison to others. Misophonia is self-diagnosible, and there is no known cure. Doctors usually recomend therapy to help prevent break outs, but again mine is fairly mild and controlable. The worst it ever gets is when I have two seperate noises going into either of my ears. For example, someone will be eating on my left side and I will hear the chewing through my left ear, and someone will be tapping their fingers on my right side and my right ear will hear the tapping. I actually started to cry in a movie theater once because of this trigger. The second biggest trigger is loud chewing/sucking sounds. Both of these triggers generally cause me to get angry, and I usually need to plug my ears to calm myself down, and keep my ears plugged until they stop making the noises. A little more info about misophonia if you think you have it, it usually starts to affect girl around the age of puberty and is more common in females, but it can affect guys too. It can last for a short period of time, or your whole life. It is a relatively rare mental illness. It is a mental illness. Everyone has their own triggers, and sometimes even pictures can trigger a person with misophonia. Also! We all have sounds we do not like, like nails on a chalkbaord, babies crying, etc., but with people who have misophonia the noises they don't like are generally everyday things others could ignore (e.g. a person chewing gum, or two people having a conversation in the next room over {another one of my triggers}). Misophonia isn't just the typical annoyance people get when they hear a person tapping their fingers, it is that plus all other mundane noises piled on top of eachother, and all of these noises cause an outburst of emotions (for me, genreally anger). Okay, PSA over.

I want to become a comic artist/animator. And I want to help people get through things as much as I have been helped by people I look up too.

I live in the midwest of the US.

I don't live with my parents. (I live with my grandma)

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