The first day

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Sparko pov

Another year at point. Here we go. I waited at the bus stop for the shuttle to pick me up when I heard a familiar voice. I looked over and saw Enid fighting of the bot that point sends out to get you.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. Sure, the bot was annoying, but I've never tried to fight it. "Oh. Hey Sparko!" "Hey Enid. You catching the shuttle to point to to?".

"Uh, yes? Yes. Why yes I am." "Right on! I'm starting my second semester and let me tell you, it's gonna be so sweet having another class mate from Lakewood!" I wasn't lying. My first semester, I knew literally no one. Some of the only people I talked to were my dorm mate Purrcival.

We keep taking and Enid brought up being not as afraid of point. Then I told her that point is a lot worse than she feared. As we were talking, the shuttle finally showed up. "Anyway, all you got to worry about is what discipline your gonna be sorted into." "Discipline?"

When we got onto the shuttle, I introduced her to the 3 disciplines of point, but it got interesting ounce we got to charisma. "Elodie is their leader and the whole school pretty much worships her." "Oh I know Elodie. We go way back." "Really?" "Yeah, I kicked her in the face."

I was legitimately surprised. It's hard to get a hit on Elodie. I've tried before. We had to fight in strength class before. "Oh! That's really impressive." I stuttered. Then, out of nowhere I heard KO. We looked around to see where his voice had came from, before I got back to talking to Enid.

"So, anyway, you'll find out your discipline after your trial." "TRIAL! On my first day!?" "Yup. You gotta prove your powerful enough to be here. The whole school is gonna be there. And if you fail the trial, you'll be sent home for good." Enid looked straight up terrified, but I keep going.

"And your reputation as a hero will be destroyed forever." Enid's eyes widened as she stared of into space. "So what ever you do, don't fail." Enid looked like she would be shattered to pieces is I said anything else. "Uhh, not that you'll have to worry about that, hehe. Your not the type to crack under pressure are you Enid?"

I had answered my own question. Enid was sweating bullets and was clutching the seat like it was keeping her from falling of a cliff. "I.. I need to go..." And with that, she ran off.

I looked down. I had really stressed her out. I wished that I never said anything, but I couldn't let her go into point prep without knowing what was gonna happen. I felt a little mean. Just a second ago, she was happy and confident and then I had to open my mouth and ruin everything.

Out of nowhere, I hear everyone start laughing. I look over my shoulder and saw that everyone was laughing at Enid and, wait, IS THAT KO?! She took him to the back of the shuttle and I decided to follow her.

I saw KO give her a gift of some sort and then jump out the emergency window. I was going to question what happened and if she was ok, but the shuttle went into warp speed before I could even get close.

Ounce it stopped we were shot out of the shuttle and into the cafetorium. I looked over and saw the Enid was sitting next to me, and looked a lot better than she did a second ago.

Chip Damage flew around the room introducing himself and the discipline head's, then pulling Enid on stage and introducing her. "Let's give her a hand!" I'm 90 percent sure I'm the only one that cheered.

Then Enid started fighting the discipline heads and it was AWSOME! She took out all three heads in one shot, wich, according to Chip, HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!

I ran up to her after she got off the stage and I was completely ecstatic. "DUDE! YOU WERE A BEAST!" "Thanks Sparko." "So, how's it feel?" "I.. think I really can do this!" I smiled. She was really doing a lot better than she was on the shuttle, but, I still felt bad for freaking her out.

"Hey, Enid I.." "Sparko!" I turned around and saw Chip Damage holding a piece of paper "Your test scores were.." I was terrified. He was gonna kick me out! I'd never be able to be a awesome hero! Enid would be all alone without anyone t help her!

"Phenomenal! You've been accepted into the gifted and talented courses. Congratulations" "WHAAAT!" I shot back over to Enid and said "WE ARE BEAST!" "Hehe, congrats dude". Then we high fived and I accidentally shocked her in the process.

"Oops, sorry. To much excitement." Enid gave a thumbs up and I jolted to the door. "I gotta tell my parents about this!"  I was about to leave the room when I stopped.

"Hey, Enid." "Yeah?" "I just.. wanted to say sorry." Enid looked at me, confused. "Sorry about what?" "About.. what I said on the shuttle. I knew I was freaking you out, but I kept going. It would have been better if I just kept my mouth shut.."

"Hey,.." Enid walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. If anything, I'm glad I at least knew what I was getting into before it happened." I smiled. "Well I better get going. Catch ya later Enid!" I left the room, but not before turning back and saying "Don't mess with Lakewood!"

I finally got to my room and Purrcival, unsurprisingly, was on the couch reading a book with an entire stack of books next to her. "Hey Purrcival."

Purrcival was never the chatty type, so it wasn't really a surprise when she didn't answer. I went to my room, unpacked, and got out my phone.

I scrolled through the contacts when something caught my eye. Enid's contact. Enid and I swapped numbers when she first started working at the bodega. We hung out sometimes, but not a lot. Now that she's coming to point, I kinda hope that we could hang out more.

Out of nowhere, I felt a light blush spread across my face. I put down my phone and felt my face. It felt warm, with small jolts of electricity popping from my cheeks. 'what is going on?' I thought to myself.

I looked back to my phone. For Enid's contact picture, I had a picture of her from when she had long messy hair. My face got even hotter and I could hear the electricity popping.

I looked down. I had never felt something like this. I paced my room for a good ten minutes when I stopped dead in my tracks. I realized what it was.

I like Enid! More than just a friend. I have a crush on her!

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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Fire and lightning (Enid x Sparko ok ko fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora