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{Now play: Confession Song}

《GOT7 & BTS crossover》

"Hey guys, group meeting!" Namjoon yelled from downstairs.

"Last one down has to clean dishes!" Hoseok said, running downstairs.

All of a sudden all the doors opened and, what looks like a flock of birds running from something, was the rest of the members.

Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung pushed each other down, trying not to be the one who has to wash dishes. Yoongi came down right after them, calm as ever. Last but not least was Jin, who didn't care that he was the one who had to wash dishes.

"Well, now that we have everyone down here, I have some exciting news to share with you all." Namjoon said.

"Well, what is it hyung?" Jimin asked.

"How would you guys feel if we performed with GOT7?" Namjoon asked.

Their faces lit up and the maknaes started squealing like a bunch of fangirls.

"THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!" The three said in sync.

"Welp, wish granted. They are going to perform with us tonight." Namjoon said.

"Oh yeah, tonight's the charity event, correct?" Jin said, messing with Namjoon's hair.

"Exactly. I asked a while back so we can get confirmation." Namjoon said smiling at Jin's cuteness.

"I can't wait!" Hoseok squeaked.

"Yeah, I think it will be fun." Yoongi said with a soft smile.

"How do you feel, Jin-hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh...I think it's a good idea. It'll be fun!" Jin said smiling.

"Well, who's ready? We have to be there in an hour." Namjoon asked

"Well, we've been ready. Should we go now since it takes a while to get there?" Jin asked.

"Yeah we can. Come on, let's go peeps." Namjoon said, getting off the couch.

Everyone went upstairs except for Jin and Namjoon. Namjoon looked at Jin, who was still sitting on the arm of the couch. He didn't look too happy.

"Jinnie..." Namjoon said.

"Yeah?" Jin asked.

"I didn't forget," Namjoon said, wrapping Jin in a hug and kissing his cheek "Your surprise is coming, I promise."

Jin softly smiled and kissed Namjoon.

"I'm sorry..." Jin said sadly.

"It's fine babe~" Namjoon said.

"Come on, we need to get ready." Jin said.

They got to the venue and went to the rooms. Namjoon and Jin decided to go see the others before changing. They found the door that read "GOT7 room". They knocked on the door and carefully opened the door.

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