"How hard can it be?"

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🐤Laurel Lance POV🐤

I rolled over in bed met with a sweet kiss. 

"Morning Roomie." 

I giggled. 

The door bell rang while we made breakfast. 

"Who stops by this early?"  Roy complained on his way towards the door. 

"I don't kn-"  Oh crap. 

Roy opened the door and immediately had a toddler thrown at him. 

"She hasn't ate yet and she slept well last night so she probably won't nap.  Do you guys have any toys?  Oh well, I brought some."  Lyla stormed in our apartment tossing a large bag down on the couch.  Clearly, already in work mode...

"She also has been feeling a little sick recently so you might wanna watch that."  John added

"Is that all?"  Lyla asked her husband.  "That's all."  Her eyes fell upon me still sitting at the kitchen island.  "Thanks for volunteering to do this Laurel, especially with your relationship on the next level.  Bye!" 

The door closed and they were gone.  Roy standing stock still awkwardly holding Baby Sara.  He turned to me Sara at arms length. 


I squinted my eyes and shrugged.  "How hard can it be?" 

🏹Roy Harper POV🏹

"Answer.  Very, very hard!" 

Sara hadn't stopped crying and would only yell something that Laurel translated as 'Mama'.  She refused to let Laurel hold her and I sat on the couch watching my girlfriend frantically search through cartoons. 

"I'm sorry.  I forgot to tell you I offered to babysit.  I got distracted with all the moving in." 

"Who offers to babysit that far in advance." 

"This is a tough day for John and Lyla.  It's honestly it's good she's here with us.  If this thing with John's brother goes to heck, someone might come for Sara!" 

It got quiet while I starred at the side of her head. 

"I didn't make this better.  Did I?" 

I jumped up.  "Take her." 

"Why?"  Laurel held Sara. 

"Because she still hasn't ate and you can't cook!" 

Sara calmed and Laurel came into the kitchen still holding her. 

"I'm sorry Roy."  

"Don't apologize."  I said honestly, finally calming down.  "Kids make me nervous."  I admitted. 

She laughed.  "You still are one." 

"Hey!"  We smiled. 

"No kids..."  She said suddenly yet serious.  "Okay?" 

I shrugged but nodded in agreement. 

Why would we?  How could you bring kids into this life?  Lyla and Dig did it.  But I guess it's different for them.  Then again, Oliver and Felicity are probably headed down that road too.  And I want to be more committed to Laurel someday.  Maybe, we could have it all? 

Right when I stared to tell myself how ridiculous that is, the phone rang me out of my thoughts. 

🐤Laurel Lance POV🐤

The phone rang and I switched Sara to my right side snatching the phone up.  I saw the caller I.D. and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hey Felicity." 


She screamed so loud I dropped the phone and Roy's eyes widened bigger than they were when Lyla threw Sara at him this morning. 

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