Chapter 8

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Sophie and I had settled in our beds. I was staring at the ceiling thinking, how on earth am I going to find a job. I looked over my bed to see if Sophie had fallen asleep yet. I saw her nightlight turned on and assumed she was reading.
          I decided to focus on everything in the morning and would try to get some sleep. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, causing me to spring out of my bed and towards the door. I opened the door and saw Lucas. Sophie got out of bed as well. "What is it?" I asked, curious. "Sibling Meeting, downstairs,now." He whispered. We both followed him quietly making sure that we didn't wake our parents. In our family, sibling meeting was something that happened quite often. Whenever something happens that we need to talk about, at night, we get together secretly and talk about whatever we needed to talk about.
We were all settled in the living room, and Lucas started to speak, "So everyone," he said very casually even bough it was almost 11 o'clock. "Since we need to find jobs, I think it might help telling each other what we're going to do." He finished. "Well," Sophie said "the nursery had a sign the said they needed teen workers, I'll try there." She finished. I wasn't really sure where I was going to try to get a job. "I'm just gonna look around and see what happens." I stated. "I," Lucas started, "am going to try to get a job at the bakery." He claimed smiling. "Wow, how manly of you." I said stifling back a laugh. "Indeed," Sophie added. We all sat there, trying our hardest not to break out into laughter.
The next day
"Morning." I said to Lucas as he walked downstairs. "Morning," he responded tiredly. I finished up my bowel of cereal and placed it in the sink. I walked over to my chair and grabbed my jacked that sat there. I waved bye to Lucas and walked out the door. I looked down and saw a newspaper. Normally I'm not interested in these kind of things. But the title caught my eye. New Discovery By Psychologist Dr. Möller.
To me, phycology always seemed like an interesting topic. I picked up the newspaper and walked over to the park and and sat down on a bench. I read through the article, which included a picture of Dr. Möller himself, and many quotes from other scientists. As I continued to read, someone who walked right in front of me. They tripped and dropped there sandwich, it was my instinct to catch it. "Thank you so much." said a man in his late 40s. I looked up at him. He had brown eyes and black hair. He looked at the newspaper I'm reading. "Ah yes. I particularly love this article very much because of how well it displays my latest discovery." Said the man. I looked at him in realization. Dr. Möller was right in front of me. "Its very nice to meet you, sir" I said trying to be as polite as possible. "Same goes to you" he replied. "You look like a bright student, would you mind me asking what school you belong too?" He continued
I laughed a bit, "I actually moved here just a week ago, I'm not a student yet" I replied
      Dr. Möller seemed like one of those people that you could tell everything to. He seemed like a very trustworthy person. So I couldn't help but expand my response. "I moved here from Korea, but the rest of my family is German. My dad had a job offer here so we moved back. But they have suspicions about us since we have lived in Korea for so long. So they fired him and no one in my family has a job right now. I'm actually in the process of trying to find one rather than going to school" I had basically spilled everything about my life that had happened in the past few weeks. But it felt good to tell someone.
       "Well young lady, as it so happens, I could be needing some assistance at my workplace, infact lots of people are needing help at their workplace. I'd be happy to hire a new helper." He said this while pulling out a business card and handed it to me. "Let me know what you think" He continued on his work before I could say a thank you. But a rush of hopefulness dan through me. I hopped up if the bench and made my way towards 'home'.

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