3. im sorry

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I'm sorry that you have to smoke to get high because you refuse to feel low

I'm sorry that you chugged a whole bottle and no one noticed the emptiness you were trying to fill

I'm sorry you have to sleep around with all those girls to find the perfect puzzle piece in order to replace the one you lost

I'm sorry the music is never loud enough to drown the sobs that push to come out, so you have to suppress them

I'm sorry that the lyrics from your favourite album speak your truth but you could never say it because the words have been copyrighted

I'm sorry people confuse the redness in your eyes - caused by the palm of your hands after they wipe away the feeling of weakness as it slides down your cheek - with drugs

I'm sorry your friends are a reflection that move half a second before you do

I'm sorry you lash out at your role models because that's what they taught you to do

I'm sorry that no one is there to see you smile because you're always celebrating your victories in solitude

But most of all...

I'm sorry that no one has ever offered you an apology because you're always blaming yourself.

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