Cute Percabeth

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Annabeth's POV

Percy seemed distant today Annabeth thought. She had not seen him all day, at dinner Piper said Percy wanted to see her in the forest. So after dinner Annabeth headed to the forest she ran in so fast she had to catch her breath by a tree and then PANG An arrow landed right above annabeth's head with a note she opened the letter and it said 'Annabeth I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore' She had no time to cry before another arrow landed above her head she opened it again tears ready, instead it said 'I want to be more' She heard the leaves move and she saw Percy with a bow'n'arrow and a Blue Box in his hands he threw down the bow'n'arrow and knelt down on one knee. Annabeth was having trouble understanding what was happening, then Percy said "Hi Annabeth will you Marry Me?" "YES! and when did you learn to hit a target with a bow much more do a perfect aim?" Percy blushed "uhh i had this idea for you so i kinda asked Thalia to teach me, she agreed at her own risk and Thats where i was all day."

A/N ohh Percy you so cheesy :) anyway thats my idea oh how Percy should propose!

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Peace out in your demigodishness and all that! BAI!

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