Groot x reader

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I'm so sorry if this sucks. I apologize for any out of characterness.
My people were dying around me. Ash and balls of fire rained down. We'd been attacked by a Galbartarian named Welforp. He sought to destroy us all. From what I could see, he was doing pretty well. In fact, while I was running for my life, I saw less and less of us, and now, no one.
The fiery rain stopped and I was running to find survivors, when a ship landed in front of me. A man in a really cool jacket and a beautiful green skinned woman ran out and grabbed my arms, assuring me they were there to help. I tried to tell them I needed to help others, but they insisted.
Moments later I was settled in a seat with a blanket. They started the shop and made it go so fast it basically poofed off my planet.
"But what about the rest of the survivors? We need to help them!" I screamed.
"You were the last one, kid. We searched the whole planet. No heat signatures. It's a small planet." The seemingly Terran man said. Then there was the loudest and most horrible sound I ever heard. My planet blew up.
We were far away enough that it didn't hurt the ship, but my heart broke in two. I refused to let myself cry in front of these people, that I didn't even know.
"What's your name kid?" The man asked.
"I'm Starlord. Call me Peter." I nodded. Then he said, "This is Gamora. The others are coming back here now." Then I remembered that I had heard of them before. They were on the screens last year. They defeated Ronan and saved the galaxy. I just didn't recognize them. Then the others walked in.
"Quill, any survi- oh." A creature I'd read about, called a 'raccoon' said.
"Y/n, this is our resident trash panda, Rocket." I waved quietly.
"Hey." He said, glaring at Peter.
"Over there is Drax. Try not to use too many expressions with him. He takes everything literally."
"Hello." The blue and red marked man said.
"I am Groot." I looked up and saw a tall, tree-like being offering me a flower.
"Hi." I answered, gently accepting the little flower.
"Like he said, he's Groot. And we're the guardians of the galaxy."
"Nice to meet you all. Um, what now?" It dawned on me that I had no where to go, no one to take me in, and no money, belongings, anything. Just the clothes on my back.
"Well, we can't just drop you on the closest planet with nothing." Peter said.
"Why not? She's not our responsibility." Rocket said. I guessed he didn't like me. Oh well.
"No Rocket. Any other ideas?" Gamora asked.
"I am Groot?"
"What! No! She can't just- You don't- Aah!" Rocket yelled.
"It's not a bad idea. You never know, we could use the help." Peter reasoned.
"Another girl on the team would be good for my sanity." Gamora said.
"I agree!" Drax bellowed.
"Alright then. Y/n? Would you like to join the us? You could help us defend the galaxy and live on the Milano with us." Peter asked. Is was shocked. This was sudden, and strange, but what else would I say? I agreed.
Months passed. I grew closer to all of the guardians. Peter and I both liked music, even though we sometimes argued over what to play over the sound system. I helped Gamora keep everyone else in check. We shared a bunk room and didn't argue too often. Drax was sorry of fatherly towards me. Even Rocket warmed up to me eventually, because I yelled at Peter for calling him trash panda and raccoon.
But my best friend was Groot. I learned how to understand him in only a few weeks. He and I both tried to avoid violence if possible. I showed him new music and we spent time together, just enjoying each others company. And soon, I found that I'd developed a little crush on him. But I did NOT tell him. I didn't want to ruin our perfect friendship.
Today, we were going to check in on somebody who was trying to enslave a planet. Peter and Rocket were in the cockpit, Gamora was training, Drax was reading. I was teaching Groot to play 'Monopoly'. A terran game Peter taught me. He was pretty good, and had already amounted a large amount of property. But soon he went bankrupt because he kept landing on things that made you pay. So I beat him.
"I am Groot." He congratulated me.
"Thanks! You did great. I thought you were going to beat me there for a while. What do you want to do now?" He was about to answer when Peter sick his head on my room.
"Alright you crazy kids. Time to go kick butt."
"I guess he answered that for you." I frowned and Groot nodded. We went out and beat the guy into a bloody pulp and the Nova corp picked him up. At some point the guy has landed a solid punch to my collar bone, so after the adrenaline wore off, I was hurting. I thought it may have been cracked.
I went to mine and Gamora's room and shut the door. These guys couldn't know I'd gotten hurt. At least not until I'd been there a few years. I was new and inexperienced. I didn't want to risk being kicked out of my new home and away from my friends, who were more like family. So I just took an ibuprofen and sat still, watching the skin slowly turn a deep purplish brown.
Soon there was a knock. Gamora would have just walked in.
"Who is it?"
"I am Groot." Shoot.
"Just a minute." I looked around, and pulled a tee shirt with a higher neck on. "Alright, come in."
He came in the room, stooping at the doorway.
"I am Groot?" He asked with a concerned expression. He said he saw me get hit, and wanted to make sure I was okay.
"Oh, I'm fine. Just tired."
"I am Groot?"
"I'm sure. I'm gonna take a nap though." Groot leaned forward to hug me (he liked to do that), and his arm lightly brushed my injury. I held back a scream but he felt me wince.
"I am Groot?"
"I'm fine. Just a little bruised is all."
"I am Groot."
"No, it'll be fi-" He moved my collar and looked at the now swollen mark.
"I am Groot!" He looked very worried.
"I just didn't want you guys to know I was hurt, okay? I don't want to be kicked off." He looked rather sad that is think that.
"I am Groot." I sighed and sat on the bed and he left, and came back with an ice pack and Peter's candy stash. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and snacking, with me laying on his shoulder. When I was drifting off to sleep, I heard him whisper "I am Groot." And I smiled.
He loved me.

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