To The Best Friend Ever

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Hey @MOshimnie101

It's been almost 3months since we met and I can't express how much I miss you. You came so close to me in such a short span of time... Like faster than you can say BTS 😁😁. I know how much you love them and they are kinda cute but you are the cutest the most sweetest friend I could ask for. Yeahhh ..? 😂😂

Honestly I feel so so soooo bad coz I forgot your birthday. What kind of shit happened I don't know and I am such a shitty friend. Who the hell forgets their friends birthday. Especially the one whom you think about every single day. So here I am making a heartfelt apology. Although you weren't mad at me and I well basically I was mad at myself.

Honestly speaking i just miss our school days and our class.


So it's been so long.. It's 13th October and although I was supposed to publish what like 3months ago I am doing it now. Coz it's better late then never right?

Love you

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