Just Believe In Yourself

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Hey everyone, this is slightly going off of my Just believe in your dreams 'artical' thing I wrote and it's for girls out there who needs to hear the words that make a change for the better. I'm going to make one for guys too. <3

I know there are people out there who will do anything and everything in their power to destroy the inner beauty of people.

I know there are people out there who destroy the self image of people just so that they can grow their own self image.

The thing they don't know, is that they are just destroying their own more than they are destroying everyone else's. 

If we can't see ourselves as beautiful, then how are we going to tell our friends that they look beautiful? 

When we say to our friends "Oh you look so pretty!" "I love that color on you!" "That dress really accents your eyes!" and we can't even say that to ourselves in the mirror, we're lying.

If we can't see the beauty in ourselves, then how in the world do you think we can tell it to each other? 

Ladies, we need to see ourselves as beautiful because we are beautiful!

We were made beautiful, we grew up beautiful, and we still are beautiful no matter what our face looks like, or what so and so says we look like, or if we have perfect teeth or not! 

We are beautiful no matter what anyone else says.

Once you believe that your self image is who you are and you won't let anyone else change that, and you believe that you can be anything you put your mind to, that's true beauty!

That's who we should be! That's who you should be!

Your inner beauty is the true belief that shows out into your self image. 

Grow your beauty by believing in yourself no matter what harsh words come to you. I know they can hurt. I've been there. I understand your pain, but please just look into a mirror and say to yourself out loud that you are beautiful.

Scream it out to the world if that's what it takes!

Scream at the unicorn outside your window if you really want to.

Say it until you believe it.

The Challenge

Look in a mirror. Preferably one you can see your face and then some. 

Take a tube of lipstick, a permanent marker, or a dry erase marker in any color you want.

Draw a heart around your face's reflection.

Write beautiful above the heart. 

Look at yourself in the mirror with that heart and with the label Beautiful everyday.

This is how you should see yourself everyday.

You can even add in little quotes or any other words that can help your self image. ((Such as smart, funny, creative, and all other things that make you happy. Like waffles ;) )) 

This next bold print is for the people who put others down, rip apart their self image, and judge every girl or person they see. This is what I have to say to them:

You are beautiful too. 

It's true. They have beauty in them. Everyone does.

Even if they try to make others feel down to raise themselves up, they're just falling off the ladder of life faster.

They need to take the challenge, and improve their self image by complimenting the people they put down. 

This means no sarcasm or rolling your eyes when you say it. Mean it. See the little spark of happiness in their eyes and in their heart. Even if they don't look "pretty" or "cute" on the outside.

Your self image is the most important thing I can ask you to protect. 

It's the thing you can't get rid of.

Money is spent everywhere! One day there isn't going to be anymore left for us.

Protect your self image, your inner beauty, yourself. 

That's all I'm asking. Take the challenge, take the stand, take your self image back.

Take your life back.

I really hope this helped someone out there and please vote and comment! I love you all and you all are beautiful. <3 If you have any suggestions to topics I can write about please leave a comment below with your ideas! I would love to hear them!! :)

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