Chapter 6

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I laid in bed for hours, my mother's words replaying in my head over and over again. She believed I could use my powers for good. I wasn't so sure I could, but her belief in me... it meant so much more to me than I would have thought.

A scraping came at the window, drawing my thoughts away from this new purpose that was bursting inside of me. I peered at the windowpane and out into the harsh night as I stumbled out of bed. The screeching came again, loud and ear piercing.

"Meleena." A voice said. My blood ran cold as I stepped barefoot across the wooden floor.

"Meleena." My father whispered again. His voice was like a dark, velvet flutter of air as it breathed against me.

I approached the window and lifted the lock, swinging the window opened. Cool air greeted me. I leaned onto the edge of the window frame as I gazed out into the night. The moonlight caressed the land before me, capturing it in its waning warmth.

"Meleena. Come here my child."

He wasn't here, I told myself. Mom said the house was warded, he couldn't get to me in here. But still, he called my name beyond the window and I searched for him. I ignored the fear that brushed against my back as I gazed into the night.

The fabrics of the barrier began to ripple before me. A brightness formed through a slash in the Echo.

"Come to me child." My father said from beyond the veil. Hands appeared through the Echo, followed by my father's determined face. He gazed at me with dark, angry eyes as he floated in the air before me, half in my world, half in his.

"I will not come with you." I said, alarmed by the sight of him. Ratton had retrieved the blade for him. I shouldn't be so surprised.

I knew father wouldn't give me up so easily.

His arms whipped forward, grabbing my hand that leaned on the windowsill. He pulled forward and I nearly toppled out of the window as I used my other hand to grab onto the ledge.

"Let me go!" I cried as I pulled against him. He gave me a satisfied grin as he yanked on my arm. Suddenly strong arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling out of the window and into my father's outstretched hands.

Father released his hold on me as he gazed at me with hunger in his eyes.

"You can't have her." Kai said as he kept a firm grip on me.

"You are wrong boy, she was born to bring me souls. She is a monster. My flesh and blood. And she will do my bidding, or you all will regret it."

"No. Her fate is her own."

"Then others will die." My father said as he disappeared into the veil. The light from the barrier faded from view, the shimmering curtain that separated us disappeared until all that was left was the empty space of this world.

I slammed the window shut and locked it as Kai's warm hands fell to his side.

"Lee?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine." I told him, as I rubbed my shivering arms. A dark coldness trailed its way up my skin. I felt anything but fine. I was barely holding myself together. His words echoed through every part of me.

You were born to bring me souls.

"Lee, don't." Kai's words were soft as they reached out to me, attempting to pull me back from the darkness I stood upon.

She's a monster.

"Don't listen to what he said." Kai whispered, as if he knew where my dark thoughts were harboring.

She's my flesh and blood.

"He's right Kai. I am a monster. I did terrible things for him. And I enjoyed doing it."

"But you helped that little girl." He said as he took a step towards me, his expression calm and determined. His eyes were so striking against my darkened room, but within the pools of his green eyes I could see the truth about me in their reflection. "And you felt all the goodness in her soul. A goodness that made you question everything."

"How do you know that?" I asked him angrily as I took a step back from him.

"One of my gifts. You want to be better Lee. You don't have to be the monster your father created."

"Get out." I yelled at him. Kai looked at me for one terrible instance, the look nearly undoing me. Understanding and belief reflected within his green eyes. I felt exposed that he knew my dark secrets. It was a violation, and he knew it.

I glared at him and motioned towards the door. Without another word he left.

He knew how my soul was tainted. And though I was angry at him for using his gifts on me, part of me felt relieved. Someone else knew who I had been and what I had done.

My mom believed in me.

Kai believed in me.

Did I believe in me?

You want to be better.

Kai's words lingered in the silent space that surrounded me

Maybe I could try.  

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