Silence the devil

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Damien looks at the sketch. He can't stop skimming and scanning everything on the sketch. Bloody-bloody bloody- is all that defines such a sketch. It is a sketch of horror, destruction and an end of all GAURDIANS. He notices that something stood in this sketch- it is something that brought chills down his spine- it's a devil, who smiles upon the deaths, upon the destruction, upon the horror. With its deep embedded red eyes, all that took sanctuary is blood-lust and casualness. However, the most intriguing part of the sketch isn't the devil, but what he holds, what he yearns and what is sacred to the depths of hell. It's the deathly hollows of the animosity- the animosity that those who feels hold- which articulates the air around Damien and tenses it. As Damien is absorbed and his rationality is all focused on the sketch, it becomes alive. The devil holding the hollows appears with a smile creeping towards his face, and Damien isn't able to believe what he's seeing, after all, the devil is in its enemy's den, and so it being here defies the balance. While the devil smiles, he says, "Nice to meet you, it seems that you have become a player in the game of 'Silent Torment'. I hope you survive, if not, then it's nothing NEW!"


On October 29, Damien - a fifteen year old who has black hair, green emerald eyes, which takes in everything in details, and he has a slightly tanned skin- is heading towards his grandparents house, which is a cottage made out of strong walls and a fenced door. The cottage is specifically for withstanding outstanding weather or unfortunate accidents. However, what Damien is curious about is a run-down church, which is close to the cottage, lurking deep-deep in the dark forest. It seems, to Damien, that whenever there are unfortunate accidents, the church is fine-just like how it's before. It still stays the same, no rust, no dirt, no dust only a simple run-down church. Angels are engraved in the church's doors. The door seems large and strong to Damien, and the walls seem tall and proud as the white limestone shines and reflects the light. It has large windows, which had on them a crystal-like design.

Damien is always curious about it, but whenever he mentions the church; his family would cry out, be wary and scared. He didn't know why, yet in order to please his family and assure them, he never lets his curiosity get the best of him, and so he stays home.

When Damien arrives, he sees his old, wrinkled, yet beautiful grandmother waiting patiently in front of the fenced door, while smiling happily. Damien smiles and greets his grandmother, while asking about her health and life. She tells him that she is a healthy tiger, so he should stop worrying, which makes Damien laugh. As he enters the cottage, he sees his grandfather eating, so he also greets him and dines. They laugh as they say stories to each other, while sitting in the comfy green chairs.

After telling stories, Damien's grandparents become silent as the wind howls and breezes flow. Damien looks up at them, waiting, for what they are going to say. His grandparents say in a clear and serious voice, "Damien, no matter what, do not get close to the church. There will soon be deaths and ends, for tomorrow is the soul reaping day and perhaps that game....." Damien is about to question them because he isn't able to hear the last part of their warning, but he keeps silent.

Midnight arrives as Damien is getting ready to go to sleep, but a bright red light shines in the depths of the dark forest. He becomes worried believing that someone might be in trouble, so he forgets the warning, which is given to him, and heads towards the forest.

He passes through the forest. It is dark, gloomy and misty. Nothing is clear as Damien moves deep into it. The trees, as though they are trying to stop the young child, grew larger and increased in numbers the deeper he's going into the forest. After awhile, Damien reaches a place; a large run-down church, and on its roof, there's a red light dug into its walls to the center of the church. Damien looks at his watch, which showed that it was 2 30 AM. He is shocked, for he isn't able to believe that he took 2 and half hours to reach this church. He gulps and soon runs towards the forbidden church. He enters through the large door, while finding out that it looks quite elegant. A carpet that is in a bright red color, the white and wide chairs looks new, yet the most intriguing part of the church is the sketches. There are sketches for angels, praying humans, peace and so on. However what is intriguing to Damien is the sketch that holds a devil and a book that makes others full with desire in order to gain it. The devil smiles at the torture, the horror and the deaths of the people and the angels. Damien then thinks, "What is something like this doing in a sacred church?" he traces the sketch with his fingers, but something unbelievable happens. The sketch becomes alive. The devil looks up sitting on air as he holds a book, which is something desired by many. Damien isn't able to know why he feels that problems are about to appear. The devil creepily smiles, while saying, "Nice to meet you, it seems that you have become a player in the game of 'silent torment'. I hope you survive, if not, then it's nothing NEW!"

Damien immediately says, "NO thank you!" The devil becomes stunned, but soon regains his calmness as he says "You will be entering either ways, so it doesn't matter." With a flick of his finger, Damien appears in a room that is white. The floor, walls and even doors are white. The devil's voice whispers into his ears telling him, "To win the first part of the game, you must find the key of the riddle." Damien heads to the center and finds a paper, which says:

'All that must be kept is a fire of will, but it becomes too still, so to find your answer, change will muster.'

Damien is unable to understand, and as he thinks, he looks towards the floor. It causes him to feel regret, for he finds skinned-corpses; they're eyes sockets empty, there mouth thronged open, and their necks strangled. He screams feeling frightened, but then Damien realizes that this in no longer a simple game. If he doesn't find it soon, he will become like them causing to soon be in a hurry.

The devil, who's sitting in the air with the book and a cup of tea, smiles happily as he looks at the interesting toy, who's messing up the first part of the game deeply. He smiles at Damien's reaction towards the corpse, and soon chuckles insanely, while saying, "All is forlorn towards survival, so do your best, because the worst has yet to come..." The devil is looking forward to tomorrow as the souls will be reaped.

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