Feelings of the Aftermath

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"C'mon Quinn--you should go to the party tonight. It'll be a a train wreck, sure, because Lord Tubbington isn't hosting, but there'll be alcohol! And maybe that's what you need to loosen up a bit." Brittany said with a bright smile as she closed her locker with a gentle tap.

Quinn gave her the side eye, but not for long because Brittany is Brittany, and glaring at her is like glaring at a small puppy. You simply just don't do it.

"Brittany, it's not like I don't want to go, but it's the fact that freaking Manhands is hosting it, so it's bound to be awful. If anything, she needs to loosen up a few thousand notches. Girl does not know how to relax." Quinn chortled as she emptied her locker of her textbooks for the day, and slamming the locker when she finished. She looked at Brittany, tilted her head, and crossed her arms. "And, wait a minute, why would I need to 'loosen up'? Just because I might've messed up my relationship with Sam and now the fact he's dating Santana of all people, doesn't mean I'm upset about it." Because, really, she didn't care about Sam all that much anymore. It was nice when it lasted, but now she had other things to worry about, things that she didn't want to name. Ever.

Now it was Brittany's turn to tilt her head, her blonde pony bobbing at the movement and the corners of her lips tilted downwards.

"But in glee practice, didn't you nearly bite Finn's head off when he accidentally stepped on your foot? That seemed a bit violent. And very tense for you."

"Okay, yeah, I did, but he's so freaking tall, so you can't really fault me for that. Felt like he was crushing my damn foot."

Brittany nodded. "Yeah, Lord Tubbington doesn't appreciate it when I accidentally step on his paws either. He nearly called his fellow cat gang members to beat me up. It was scary, Q." She said with wide eyes. Quinn merely said "there, there, Brittany" as she lightly tapped the blonde's shoulder as she sighed.

They began to walk to their first period class, History, and as they did, the Sea of Teens parted for them, for their queen. Quinn straightened her back a little more then plastered a smirk on her face. She loved this feeling--of being on top of the food chain, of being in control. She loved how no one disregarded her or ignored her like in her old middle school. As she rounded a corner, she vowed to herself to never loose this, because the alternative would be horrible if everyone knew, if anyone found out...

"You should really come to the party, Quinn. your not really the same person anymore. You're...hmm...tense! You're too tense. You're like a cake Quinn, you're like a recipe me and Santana know by the backs of our hands so we can tell if one of your beautiful vanilla layers taste off."

Quinn looked and smiled at her as they approached the classroom. She thought back to the last few weeks, with Sam, Finn, and well, Manhands, and thought that maybe she was a bit tense after all. However, she preferred to forget the last part. Manhands was none of her concern, as it should be. Because she isn't a concern. Obviously.

"Yeah, you're right Brittany. I have been a little bent out of shape recently. I'm Quinn-fucking-Fabray, nothing gets to me." Quinn stopped at the entry way of Mr. Galloway's classroom and turned to Brittany with a dirty smile. "And that's why all three of us are going to Dwarf's train-wreck extravaganza."

Brittany smiled a big, toothy grin and jumped as she pumped out a fist high in the air. "Yay! Quinn's back!"

Quinn just laughed as they entered the classroom. "I'll call Santana later and fill her in, although I'm still mad at her."

Brittany's smile shrunk a little bit at the last part, but still said "it should still be fun Quinn! I know it!" as she practically skipped to her seat in giddy happiness. Quinn only chuckled to herself, shook her head, and made her way next to Brittany at the middlemost table.

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