Sincerely Yours Louis Tomlinson

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~Sincerely yours, Louis Tomlinson~

A world filled without starbuck's girls

Filled with dimples and eye wrinkles is where you'll find me

A world without contracts

filled with sailing ships and compasses guiding them home is where you'll find me

A world without hiding

filled with Hi and Oops is where you'll find me

A world without hidden meanings

filled with curls and fringe is where you'll find me

A world without out twitter fights

filled with loving smiles and soft cuddles is where you'll find me

A world without phobias

filled with loving glances and soft touches is where you'll find me

[A/N]: Here's something for all you Larry shippers ;) which is one of my OTPs so comment what you think :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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