[Not So] Happier

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I sat on the pavement, leaning against a lamppost. I had been searching all day for a job, but to no avail. I sighed and tipped my head back, staring up at the twinkling stars. I looked down from the sky and saw you walking down the pavement. I gasped. It couldn't be you, could it?

When you turned the corner I saw another man beside you. You were tucked under the his arm. I bit my lip. He had straight fluffy brown hair coming down slightly over his face and a green sweatshirt. He said something and you giggled. You used to giggle like that at me.

You looked way happier with him than you did with me. You looked carefree and joyful. He, on the other hand, looked forced and stiff. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I passed it off as just nerves.

You walked inside a bar with him. I held my breath. You didn't come back out after ten minutes, so I stood up and cautiously entered behind you. I saw you standing in a corner, already pretty drunk. He was beside you, completely sober. I was kind of worried, but I still ignored the bad feeling in my gut.

I stood across the room from you, just standing in silence and watching you for probably the last time. You hiccuped and he leaned down to your ear and whispered something. You looked up at him and kissed. I pressed my lips together. I shouldn't have been watching you anyway.

He pulled away and grabbed your hand. He pulled you away to the bathroom. You stayed in there for about a half hour before he came back out alone. Every alarm in my head was going off. He had done something. I walked briskly over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I wasn't very strong, but when it came to defending you, I definitely could be.

I forcefully pulled him outside and slammed him against the hard brick wall. "What did you do to him?" I spat. He rolled his eyes and tried to push me away. Now that I look at him closer, he was pretty skinny. He didn't have much muscle. I could do this after all.

I pushed him against the wall harder. "What the fuck did you do to him?" I yelled again. He still didn't answer. I dropped my voice. "I will give you five seconds to tell me what you did to him or we're going to have some problems. Do you understand?" I growled. He still just stood there.

"That's it! I. Am. So. Done. With. Your. Shit." Each word was punctuated with a punch to the face. He was bloody and I did feel kinda bad but he deserved it. I ran back into the bar. "Phil? Phil? Are you okay?" I asked, hurriedly stepping into the bathroom.

"Oh no," I breathed out. "No no no no no." There you were, laying on the bathroom floor, chained to a rail on the wall. Your arms were bound together and you were gagged. You only had half your clothes on and there were still fresh tears on your face, drying in your eyelashes. There were deep cuts and dark bruises all over your body. I saw a stab wound in your gut.

I rushed to your side but you weren't even awake. I was frantic. I checked your pulse and you were alive, thankfully. I stood up and ran out of the bathroom. "Somebody help!" Everyone just kind of ignored me. Then a woman came running forward. She didn't look drunk. Thank god for her.

"I'm Louise. I'm a paramedic. Let's go." She seemed to know what to do, so I just sat there in silence. I had subconsciously sat down and grabbed your hand. Minutes passed. I was now ushered into the back of an ambulance. Hours passed. I was sitting in a waiting room, my hand still covered in your blood and my breathing shallow.

Someone sat down beside me. I looked over at them. It was Louise. "He'll be alright," she whispered. I shrugged, looking back down at my lap. I couldn't really feel anything inside. Louise set her hand reassuringly on my shoulder. I couldn't believe this had happened to you of all people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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