Her Tale

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Sorry for not putting this in. I hope you weren't too confused.

Sooo... we're finally back with our Gladers. Yay!

Anyway, this is the next chapter it's slightly boring cause it's just Skylar telling everyone her story you can skip it if you want but I'd recommend at least skimming because I do include some extra information

Also, how did my previous readers get through this story? There are so many stupid spelling errors and grammar corrections that it's a miracle it's legible. Serious. I mean it.

disclaimer: I don't own anything

On With The Story...

Chapter 20 - Her Tale

We continued to revel in the joy of our reunion for a full five minutes. We finally had to stop because it was getting late as well as colder. We walked back with more firewood. No one said anything which meant Minho had beaten us to it; that worried me.

As soon as we settled all the boys hugged me except one plus the other girl. I recognized them both.

"Aris!" I ran to hug him but stopped short at his perplexed expression. "You don't remember me do you?" He shook his head nervously. I smiled sadly, the past was in the past. Sure it hurt that my sorta brother didn't remember me but at least we could get to know each other again, without Wicked's influence.

I turned to the girl, hand outstretched and my name on my tongue when I saw her. "Teresa."

She gave me a calculating glance. I saw a flash of recognition but she masked it. "Who are you?"

She said it coldly but my tone matched. "I'm Skylar. What are you doing here?" The last part was truly questioning. I had seen her pocket the walkie-talkie so I knew she had to have some devotion to Wicked, memories or no memories. She had always been their favorite.

"That's none of your business...After all this time, why do we finally have another girl?" The last part was muttered but it echoed off the cave walls.

I smirked as I walked back to Newt. "Jealous I see. We'll get used to it cause we have another girl on the way." I sat next to Newt and intertwined my hands with his. Teresa just glared at me.

Jorge cleared his throat nervously. "Well, umm...Sky I think they would benefit from hearing your tale. I'm sure you're...um..eager to hear theirs."

I nodded before shakily clearing my throat. "Ok...so we've all been in the maze. I don't think Group B had someone to mimic me so Aris you're a little out of the loop. Probably you as well Teresa."

I paused, trying to collect my jumbled thoughts. "So I was the first ever girl in Group A. The Maze Trials had only been running for a year, nearing two when I came up. I was sent as an extra test for Group A. The trials were to gather some type of information from the way our brains work. By adding me to the mix the results were off the charts. Do you all understand what I'm saying? Some of it may get confusing so feel free to interrupt me."

Newt spoke for all of them. "We all understand...to some degree. Just keep going Sky."

I nodded gratefully. "So where was I...right, so I was the first girl in about 30 boys. You can guess how that went but I loved them anyway, 'Cept a few." I shared a smirk with Newt and Minho, all of them remembering David and his behavior.

"Anyway, I was really calm when I came up. All I knew was that my name was Skylar. I refused to speak at first. How long was it before I spoke?" I asked the boys with a small smile. Looking back I had been rather foolish.

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