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He watched her sob into her hands, her shoulders shaking. She trembled, vibrated even with her sorrow. Calum practically felt it radiating off of her. A black hole of emotions, impossible to escape.

He stared at her, because all he could do was stare. He stared at her red and irritated eyes and her tear stained puffy cheeks. He watched as her lip quivered, as she sniffled every few seconds, her gaze to the floor as if it held all the answers. He hated the sound of crying, hers even more so. Calum could hear how much pain she was in. Hell, he practically felt it. Felt it tearing him into pieces smaller than he could fathom and making his insides twist and turn uncomfortably.

Calum sat down next to her. He wanted to say something, anything, but what could he say? And even if he did somehow come up with the right thing to say, what would it matter? She wouldn't be able to hear him.

After all, he was dead.


Calum Hood is dead. 

His death has left only chaos in its wake. His friends are shattered, his loved ones ruined, and his girlfriend broken. And for some unknown reason he is being forced to watch from the sidelines, trapped between a plane of  existence and death. A plane he is doomed to roam alone.

He can not remember how he died, or why, but he is free to watch the aftermath in all its brutal glory. Better than any HD flat screen on the market. Up close and personal. 

He hates it. He never knew he could hate anything so much in his entire life or well death. He can't remember anything no matter how hard he tries and would give anything for an ounce of context. 

But perhaps the universe does know of a word called mercy. And perhaps it uses it the day Calum is staring at his moping girlfriend fixing her hair in the mirror, only to see her scream, turn around, and look him in the eyes. 


I would just like to start off by saying that this book will take on a more serious note compared to my other, Skin. While I do not consider myself a comedic writer, and write more so for substance since I know that's what I'm good at... I feel that this book will take on more serious topics than what I have previously written. 

When I say this I do not mean things like self harm or rape, other wise I'd post a separate trigger warning, but it will deal majorly with death. As if that wasn't obvious. The characters in this book will all deal with it in their own ways, as most of us do, but again no self harm or anything of the sort.

This book will touch base on substance abuse and a few mental health issues. The death of a loved one is something sadly all of us must face, and it rocks you to your core, so I will not tread lightly on explaining just how Calum's death will affect those around him.

This book will take on an almost complete somber tone for its entirety and may get a bit depressing so just.. proceed with caution.

I love you all and hope you enjoy the book :)

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