Pouplar girl

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Bloom walked through alfea campus she just gave her sister mily a hug it was mily first day of alfea and she didn't want to make new friends she wanted to be friends with the winx and the specialists but bloom gave her sister a little bit of sisterly advice and with a kiss on top of her head she sent her sister to miss girselda for her dorm and scheduled now she was bloom keeper of the most powerful magic in the magical universe and she was princess bloom of domino and bloom most loved/hated popular girl on campus she put her dark shaded sunglasses on and walked with clicking high heels and head held high she walked towards the winx/specialists lounge on her way to it she was attacked with 4 magic balls and stopped them with out even looking all she heard was murmuring the mask of cold popular girl is up she got the lounge door and waved her hand in front of the scanner  welcome back bloom she said to herself she walked in and there she saw two of the people she loved most her best friend stella and and her boyfriend sky sitting on a plush pink and purple colored couch she sat down in the middle of the two she turned her head her best friend forever and told her about the four magic balls that were thrown at her by freshman and how dare they try to hit her with then stella first emotion was how her hair was ok and then are you ok bloom said to both comments sky chimed in by saying maybe if she was not so cold that would not happen bloom retorted by saying that i half to because if she is not cool then the bad people they fight could mess with her emotions all of a sudden the came through the door and sat down and started about what happen to them and how it felt to back a alfea

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