Even If

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Even If is a poem that I wrote to the very important person in my life and it's saying if anything happens to you I'll stay by your side

Even if things seem like they won't work out,

I will never give up on you.

Even if you become blind,

I will act as your eyes that will light up your world.

Even if you become paralyzed,

I will be there to listen for you.

Even if people say nasty things about you,

You are still the only one I love.

Even if the world looks down to you,

I will always look up to you.

Even if you are taken to be a problem person,

I will always love you.

Even if a storm arises in our love,

I will stand firm for you.

Even if I don't have a single penny,

I will fight to provide for you.

Even if fate doesn't want us to be together,

I'm ready to dare fate.

Even if you're sick,

I will never turn away from you.

Even if you no longer love me,

I will always love you.

Even if I have a million reasons not to love you,

I have that one reason to stick.

I love you.

Come poverty, death, sickness, money

Or anything worse,

I will always love you

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