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author's note :

so this is something that i put in my creative portfolio which i was forced to do for school so it's relatively short but i'm quite pleased with this so enjoy :)) definitely not my best work but for some reason i really really like this !!

a small amount of water entering the trachea causes a muscular spasm that seals the airway and prevents the passage of both air and water until unconsciousness occurs.

She screams at her mother, her face flushed a pale pink as a torrent of barbed insults leave her mouth. Their hateful exchange is a raging hurricane, twisting and wounding and ripping apart their already scarred hearts. Her mother replies in the same fashion, words designed to tear people down serving their purpose as they are thrown at the girl. Her mother's face remains emotionless, a stark contrast to her own, the only sign that she too is bearing the brunt of such blows betrayed through the slight tremble of her voice, something the girl has learned to pick up over the years. Taking verbal jabs at each other is not uncommon in their house, it almost becoming a daily thing. She screams at her mother for restricting her freedom although she is already 16, and her mother in turn screams back because she is too rebellious and free spirited. The argument ends as abruptly as it began with the girl storming to her room and slamming the door, as childish as that move might be. Thankfully, her mother neither follows her nor screams at her, and the girl seeks temporary respite in her room.

She collapses on her bed, eyes blankly staring at the ceiling as the bed sinks slightly beneath her weight. She really should feel an ounce of sadness, or even some sort of anger, but all she feels is nothing. In place of where these emotions should be is a void, a bottomless hole. This sense of hollowness that consumes her reminds her that she has long shattered and fallen apart without even herself noticing. That worries her more than her fragile relationship with her mother, which has broken apart like a porcelain vase that has slipped from somebody's hands, instantaneous and messy.

a continued lack of oxygen in the brain, hypoxia, will quickly render a person unconscious usually around a blood partial pressure of oxygen of 25–30 mmHg.

She feels suffocated under this roof, her mother's presence too overbearing for her, leaving her no room to breathe. She is a bird with its wings clipped, the metal cage around her preventing any chance of escape ; her mother her captor, imprisoning her behind the metal bars.

A lack of oxygen or chemical changes in the lungs may cause the heart to stop beating. the brain will die after approximately six minutes without oxygen at normal body temperature, but hypothermia of the central nervous system may prolong this.

fallen petalsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें