General/Historical Fiction

350 24 10


1. The Viscount's Dreams - CarrieGChandler

2. Remember me. - darkchocolatepanda

3. Chasing the Sun - Charmash

4. Blood of Kings #ProjectNigeria - The_kiddler

5. Watching Fritz - ZonderZorg

6. The Billionaire's Wife: Married -

7. Aftermath: A Story of the Great War - Di_Rossi

8. My Strict Brothers.. - odozivikky

9. Wickedly Yours - queen_of_sass

10. Blood of the Empire - QueenOfSecrets1308

11. I Met You When I Was 18 - AnneShirleyFan

12. The New Regime - SilhouetteSix

13. Our Past Lives - Nomura_Briyai

14. S P A C E S - @CharlieJayHana

15. Letters Of A Farouche - Nlght_lock

16. Redemption | 16 & Pregnant Revamp - AuthorOfHerOwnUrban

17. Help Me To Trust - -ElysianWriter-

18. Prosper (War Shadows: Book 1) - SicSemperT-Rex

19. SARA'S BOOK - Book One: The Watcher Chronicles - HM_Braverman

20. Me Against Myself - NewLeaf7

21. Numb - MrsCSJackson

22. Seven Moscow Winters - lepus_leporis

23. Beggars for Roses - RhodoraZanzibar

24. The Ascension and the Punishment: Forbidden song. - DukeOblivioner

25. Obeah Gal (A Jamaican Story) - kemorgan65

26. Miracle ME - OlgaPinsky

27. Beau and Ladylove - MrsJC84

28. Growing Pains - MichelleSmith473

29. The Royal, Royal West - ebgwicky

30. Vipanchi ~ Longing of a Lute - Kripa2486


1. (1-10) - gothic1235

2. (11-20) - myosotia_

3. (21-30) - Niella_xx


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