Or Not To Be

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Alexis held the phone up to her ear as she buttoned her jeans.

" Hello "

The line was quiet at first but soon a familiar voice flooded her head.

" Wow, cant believe I actually had your number still. Isnt that something?" Rave asked rhetorically

Alexis pursed her lips hearing the smirk in his voice.

" Whatsup?" She cut straight to the point.

" What no 'Goodmornig' no ' Howd you sleep?'. We used to have such good conversations." Rave tsked.

" Well, that was before." Alexis snapped.

Rave ignored her comment and continued.

" Anyways,we need to work on that Photography project. When do you want to do it?"

" In the class time Ms. Sullenger provides us."

" Yeah about that.. Im going to be missing Photography class for awhile so thats not going to work for me. Were going to have to do it outside of class."

" Dude, are you fucking serious?" Alexis asked him harshly. " Id really rather not. "

" Well sorry Princess. Thats whats going to happen unless you want to take the F?"

Alexis sighed and closed her eyes.

" What about later today?" She hissed with annoyance in her voice.

" Sure thing. Ill stop by around 6. Oh and Lexis?"

" Yes . Rave?"

" Zip up your pants"

He hung up.

Alexis glanced up and out her window to see a smiling Rave, wave at her.

He was smoking a cigerette on the balcony of her neighbors house.

He rasied his eyebrowns sugestively at her.

She flipped him off before pulling a tanktop over her Grey Bra. She then shut her blinds.

How long had the perv been watching her?

Alexis pulled on a sweater and pushed her feet into her laceless Vans before walking out her door and down her stairs.

She shover her keys in her purse, grabbed her binder, and locked up her house.

The drive to school, was a boring one.

She half sang, half hummed to her favorite song of the moment and parked in the small parking lot.

" No , like he's coming to my house later " Alexis whispered to Max.

It was 3rd period and Alexis was explaining the phone call to Max who laughed at the end of it.

" You have the worst luck I swear !" He commented while frequently looking up at the bored and copying the notes.

" I know right !" Alexis rolled her eyes and copied notes as well.

The conversation ended as the duo focused on the lecture happening before them.

" Hello, anyone home?" Rave called as he walked inside Alexis' house. He heard music thumping out of a room and decided to go towards it.

He called out again , with no response.

He peaked into the room and smirked with pleasant surprise.

Alexis was inside. She wore baggy grey sweats that sat low on her hips , and a tight white tank top that stopped at her ribs.

And she was dancing.

She wasn't an amazing dancer. She wasn't breaking or pop and locking, nothing like that. Simply dancing, like one might in a club. Twisting her hips, dropping to the ground, swaying her body.

The song ended and Alexis walked over to her iPod and turned off the music.

Rave clapped his hands and let out a low whistle.

" Damn , Lexi. That was pretty sexy. Practicing for your shift at the club tonight ?"

It took all of Alexis strength not to scream in shock. She had no idea Rave was here, let alone watching her.

" You training to be a professional Pervert or something? I mean first this morning , now this, and haven't you heard of a doorbell? " she questioned while chugging water.

" I knocked, multiple times. But you were to busy whoring it up to hear me." Rave responded.

Alexis whipped her head towards Rave and glared at him.

" Excuse me?"

" I mean your scars pretty much ruined your face but your body's pretty nice. Especially when you move like that." He nodded as he thought about it more.

Alexis rolled her eyes and clenched her teeth.

" As if I care what you think" she snapped out.

" Lexi don't be so cold." He chuckled.

Alexis let out a frustrated sigh and walked out of the room.

Rave followed her.

He took his time walking down the hall.

A picture caught his eye.

It was Alexis. Her hair was blonde and a little shorter than it was now.

She was wearing a bikini and standing on the beach somewhere.

It was dark and a fire blazed in the background.

Her faced was smushed against another girls.

They looked identical.

" Ay, Lexi" Rave called , still peering at the picture.

" Who is this?" He asked as she looked down the hall and walked towards him.

He glanced between her and the picture , noticing the picture was taken before her scar appeared.

Alexis glanced at the picture as she drank water.

" That's Lexia." She turned around.

" You look scary alike." He laughed.

" Were twins dumbass."

" I've never seen her. Where is she? " Rave questioned.

Alexis was already a few feet away from him when she stopped.

" She's dead."

She continued down the hall, leaving Rave shocked .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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